^*^A New World^*^ (ROLEPLAY)

(Now now, children. No fighting. XD it's okay that we've got two sets if twins.

(Ok, cool. I'll at least start it now)

• What I say goes (I am the creator of this RP so don't anger me...)

• No TBRs or stuff like that (SO annoying)

• All BYC rules apply (Well, duh!)

• No cursing, censor it (****)

• Keep it PG-PG13 (Nothing too gory or bloody, yes, there will be bloodshed but keep away from specific details)

• No perfect characters (Because nobody is perfect)

• No overpopulation of girls (I know we're cool but so are boys. If you make 2 girls, I ask that you make a boy as well ((if you can handle 3 charries, I went crazy once and made 7 characters and let me just say, that was WAY too many to handle)) or if you think you can only handle 2, try making one of each gender so we don't have 20 girls and only 5 boys, that ratio doesn't work too well...)

• Only make as many characters as you can handle (Like I said before, 7 is too many for me. I can safely manage 3 or 4 charries. More or less depending on the RP. Just know how many you can handle)

• If you make a whole bunch of characters, please RP them every few days or so (Nobody likes it when you've got 10 charries but only RP 3)

• PM me for any secret twins/siblings, plot twists you think would be interesting, or if you are going to be gone for a little while (vacation, parents took away phone/computer privileges, ect.)

• Read the rules (if you read the rules put something about eye color, hair color, or height in the picture/description)

• Respect the Goldfish! (Goldfish=RPers)

• No fighting/drama (take it to the PMs. "I'll leave if you do that!")

• No magic

• No being invincible, you can dodge 1 out of every 4 attacks

• No one-liners (Unless the creativity juices aren't flowing)

• Don't start until I say it is time

• Have fun! (Yay! Cheesy rules!)

((Charnic, I'll join, but can you please change the "Respect the Goldfish?" part of your rules? It's an inside joke between Shleya Remmos, AwesomePie, MollyBrownROX13, and I. Shleya only put that in the rules of some of her roleplays because they were roleplays that she knew the rest of us would join))
((Charnic, I'll join, but can you please change the "Respect the Goldfish?" part of your rules? It's an inside joke between Shleya Remmos, AwesomePie, MollyBrownROX13, and I. Shleya only put that in the rules of some of her roleplays because they were roleplays that she knew the rest of us would join))
(Well I don't know about you but thats a lot of people so I would change the rules....)

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