a pocketLooks like cheeze ?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 9, 2009
I have this rooster that has a build up of cheeze looking stuff in his mouth and at times it seems to fill a pocket with this cheezey stuff. I would scrape it off and sometimes sqeeze the pocket and this cheese like stuff would come out. I have lost several of my chickens with this. They get where they can't swallow and lose weight and of course the end result is death. Please if anyone can help me with this I would highly appreciate it......dogo
sounds like thrush. (yeast) treat with anti fungi also is you feed yogurt every so often WITH LIVE CURTURES it will help them not to get it because it replaces what the body loosed.
I think you guys are right. About it being a fungus. What type of medicine do you give them ? Someone mention a yogurt. Is that sorta like cottage cheese or is it the yogurt you get at the grocery store ? Anyway thanks to all of you. Been a big help.
You should also swab the mouth with original listerine (it has antifungal properties) or gentian violet (be prepared for a purple chicken, and probably purple hands) a couple of times daily. Adding poultry probiotics to the bird's food is also a good idea.

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