A Question concerning baby chicks, mama hen and roosts. Can you guess?


8 Years
May 5, 2011
Otley, Leeds, England
I know its not exact, but at what age (approximately) do mama and chicks begin to roost?? Im not worried but i would like them to start soon. They are three weeks old tonight and have been with the flock since day 3. They have also been 'practicing' roosting on branches and sticks and anything else that looks slightly stickish.
thanks for any help and advice
Patience grasshopper!

Mine roost at earliest at three weeks but usually four weeks or later when hen raised. Can be a function of breed, temperature, roost options and perceived threats on ground at night. With hen raised mine (games) almost always up by 6 weeks.
I have one that is being hen raised that is 4 weeks. Betty keeps trying to encourage her to roost but she just stands on the bottom and cheeps at her really loud until betty gives up and sleeps on the floor with her. Soon she will get it i hope.
I have a 3 month old RIR chick who is nearly as big as her bantam foster mom and I find the chick sitting on top of her mom in the nest box at bed time. So 3 mo and not roosting. ;-)

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