~*~A Race Among The Stars~*~A story about a throughbred~*~

Hey! I kinda forgot about this soo.. Heres chapter two enjoy!


6 monthes later

Star paced around the large stall she and her mother were in. They hadnt been let out for weeks and she was super bored. Grumbling she she sped up slightly and nearly crashed into her mom. "Hey! Watch it you!" Stars mom said looking at the filly. "Whats got you worked up?" Star stared at her mom. "Im bored!" Star wailed. "I want out! We havent been out in weeks!" Mom nodded. 'iT is strange but you dont need to throw a tantrum!" Star shook her head and ended the conversation. A few minutes later a man came in. He had a small halter in one hand with the lead rope in the other. The halter was too small for mama and Star realized he was after her! She stayed still but was scared. "Mama whose he..?" She asked fear in her voice. Her mom looked at her sadly. "Hes going to take you away and train you to be like me!" Her mom replied. "B-but why??" Star said. "I dont wanna leave!" Her mom looked at her and nudged her forward. "Go with him.." SHe said sadly. The man walked forward talking his human gibberish in a calm voice. He put the halter and Star and she started shaking her head. She refused to move no matter what. The man kept talking to her and finally pulled her away from the stall. "Mamaaa! Mamaaaa!" Star screamed doing all that she could to stop. But with the man pulling on her face she had to walk. She kept screaming the entire way to the pasture. Once there the man released her from the lead rope but the halter stayed on. Star ran through the pasture her cries for her mom blended with the countless other foals cries. Star kept galloping but there was no way out. Some where off in the distance of where she came she heard her mama's voice whinnying for her. She whinnied back but much of her hope was lost. She had been taken from her mama and had no idea what to do. Sighing Star weaved her way through the foals to a small but empty corner.
Hey! I kinda forgot about this soo.. Heres chapter two enjoy!


6 monthes later

Star paced around the large stall she and her mother were in. They hadnt been let out for weeks and she was super bored. Grumbling she she sped up slightly and nearly crashed into her mom. "Hey! Watch it you!" Stars mom said looking at the filly. "Whats got you worked up?" Star stared at her mom. "Im bored!" Star wailed. "I want out! We havent been out in weeks!" Mom nodded. 'iT is strange but you dont need to throw a tantrum!" Star shook her head and ended the conversation. A few minutes later a man came in. He had a small halter in one hand with the lead rope in the other. The halter was too small for mama and Star realized he was after her! She stayed still but was scared. "Mama whose he..?" She asked fear in her voice. Her mom looked at her sadly. "Hes going to take you away and train you to be like me!" Her mom replied. "B-but why??" Star said. "I dont wanna leave!" Her mom looked at her and nudged her forward. "Go with him.." SHe said sadly. The man walked forward talking his human gibberish in a calm voice. He put the halter and Star and she started shaking her head. She refused to move no matter what. The man kept talking to her and finally pulled her away from the stall. "Mamaaa! Mamaaaa!" Star screamed doing all that she could to stop. But with the man pulling on her face she had to walk. She kept screaming the entire way to the pasture. Once there the man released her from the lead rope but the halter stayed on. Star ran through the pasture her cries for her mom blended with the countless other foals cries. Star kept galloping but there was no way out. Some where off in the distance of where she came she heard her mama's voice whinnying for her. She whinnied back but much of her hope was lost. She had been taken from her mama and had no idea what to do. Sighing Star weaved her way through the foals to a small but empty corner.
Aww... No comments? Y'all make me sad...
Be patient. My story has gotten hardly any comments, too.

By the way, this is a good story. Chapters are a little short, but it's good.

Star stood in the corner she was chewing on some grass when she heard a loud squeak of rusty metal moving. She lifted her head and looked around seeing that the sides of the pasture were moving. Making the pasture bigger. In a instant the foals fanned out. All making small groups and becoming friends. Star stayed in her corner and started grazing again when a group of foals. Mostly fillies. Came over by her and started talking loudly.

"Did you see that one foal?" Said one

"Yeah, The one who trotted around like she owned the place?" Said another

"I saw her!" Said yet again. A third.

"I saw her go into a corner." The first filly said.

"Me too!" The second replied.

"Can you believe her? Acting like she owns the place." The third ventured.

Star lifted her head again. "Excuse me But im right here ya know!" All three fillies jumped.

"How rude! Shes so me-" Star interrupted the filly. "Me? Rude? Says the one whose talking about me when im right here!!!!" All three looked scared then ran off. Star smiled and started to graze again. Ignoring all the spreading rumors.

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