A remark that deflates me like a popped balloon

well my husband says that everytime I mention I like a breed of chicken, wouldn't that be fun, ohh look how pretty. So I just give him the look and tell him not to tempt me! You think we have a lot now, just push the issue, haha
My Dad is terrible about it. Not ONE time have I gone over there has he NOT made a comment about my dogs. Worse, he thinks he is being clever when he slips the comments into a totally unrelated conversation!
It wouldnt matter if I had ONE dog, he would make out like I had 20.
He hasnt said anything about poultry yet but I imagine its only a matter of time.
I just try to ignore it but it does deflate me as well.
1. I was "some shelter employee" and I fully understand how people can feel that it is invasive to be inspected to own an animal. I've met SO MANY shelter and rescue people (including my former self) who had SUCH strict ideas of what it means to be a "responsible pet owner" that I no longer will "adopt" from those organizations who want to retain ownership to my animal. I have a vet reference that is 15 years old and every single one of the 9 doctors, 6 receptionists, and 8 vet techs now me personally and professionally. Most have been to my home to bring their kids to visit my animals. If my vet reference is not good enough, then I can find someone who WILL accept my vet reference. The is NOT aimed at any one person in particular, but when I saw a contract to adopt from an organization requiring people to feed a raw diet to any dog adopted from them, I opened my eyes and said, "WHAT?" I started reading some of the over-stepping requirements in adoption contracts and changed my procedures. I have yet to regret it, and that was 8 years ago.

2. My mother in law constantly says, "It's too bad you have all of those animals because you can't go anywhere." Well, it seems like my husband and I are always present at the family events, but we have to have separate celebrations for anything because my husband's brother and sister each have to have their own party because neither of them are ever willing to change their kids' activity schedules for ANY family event, including my in laws' 50th wedding anniversary and now, my father in law's 80th birthday party. No offense to parents, but it makes me want to say, "too bad John and Mary don't get rid of their kids so they can come to the parties so we can have the entire family together at the same time!" This year, we finally said that we will go to ONE event, but not both sibling's separate parties. It's always some kind of sports. I tried to plan a large, formal 80th birthday party for both inlaws 18 months in advance and neither sibling was willing to commit since they didn't have the sports schedule. Neither would allow their kid to miss ONE event for their grandparents. It's a shame.
So.....don't pick on my animals...I have sitters and I can leave my animals, but, truthfully, I don't WANT to leave them when the rest of the family thinks that our time doesn't matter as much as theirs. Is that ranty enough? LOL

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