A situation at church...


What an excellent idea!
We all are full of opinions about what to do in this situation. I wonder what would any of us do if they were camped on our doorstep? What would you want to do for them if it were on your doorstep? Answer honestly.
i would give them a running start!


seriously, if ANYONE decided that they were going to sleep and crap on my porch, they would be very sorry for making that mistake.
Good question, and a hard one to answer. I think I would try to talk to them first, and gently lead them away, and if that wouldn't work, then I would have to get the authorities involved. The thing is though, this isn't a personal household threshhold, this is a church's, and church's are never to turn their backs on anyone in need. Of course, laziness might be part of it, but knowing people in my family who we all thought were lazy, when they really suffered from a mental disease made a lot of us feel very guilty because we had negative thoughts about them for so long, before we found out that wasn't the case (laziness). I think the person who posted the thoughts about asking the victims and seeing if they gave the answer was a great thought. I hope they can rersolve their problems with these people in a good way for all concerned.
there is one homeless person that i will never ever forget..we were staying in an apartment building in the downtown part of the city, and it was freezing cold..it was like 10 degrees out. well, my husband was having a cigarette and this homeless guy comes up and asks for one..well he and my husband stood there talking and smoking for a while and he was getting ready to go and sleep under a bridge but he stopped and asked me why i didnt have a coat on. well, i had left it inside or something, i cant remember but this poor man actually took off the one warm thing he had, this long, handmade crocheted scarf and insisted that i take it! i couldnt believe that this man with all of his hard luck was this selfless. i made him wait while i ran in and i loaded him up with blankets, food, and a bottle of brandy (probably not the best idea but i was 19 and not really thinking..) and told him to come back if he needed anything. i kept that scarf for years! i really really hope he eventually got off the streets.
I don't forsee a good outcome here. People following the teachings of their religion versus crazy crack heads and meth freaks.

I will pray for you.


If it were my doorstep? First, I'd be surprised because I live out in the country. Then I would be finding out what these folks need and get it for them, if possible. Be it food, shelter, medical help, money.....opportunities to help people should never, ever be turned down, IMO.

If they pooped on my porch, I would let them use my bathroom! Heck, the cat throws up on my porch every other day....big ol' piles of rabbit hair. The dogs poop in my yard and so do the chickens, sheep and cow. Actually, the cow piles a big steamy right in front of my back door at least once a week.

Dirty? Let them use my bathroom. Cold? Give them warm clothes and the offer of a warm bed. I'd offer to wash their clothing. I'd offer to take them where they want to go.

Yes, I know some of these people may be dangerous, some may be out for the chance to steal something. I don't fear these things. I don't need to because God is my Shepherd and I fear no evil. End of story.

A church should never fear doing the right thing. No matter how inconvenient, no matter how messy....doing the right thing is always the right thing.
Perfect response! I know this thread has caused me to stop and evaluate. Christian love is a one way street, mine had some ugly potholes in it; it's good that we can discuss here. All are welcome at our home too.
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Thanks Rainplace..... I have read lots of solutions in these 11 pages. They are all good ideas.....but if there isnt a problem for that solution.....then...... Go out as a group and talk with them....see what they need, Ask how they can help. Give them some ownership of the answers. Working together with them will give you better results.
It depends. Remember children have been pulled out of their bedroom windows and raped before. Elizabeth Smart went missing out of her own home. Although stranger abduction is statistically rare, it is still common enough that it would frighten me if a stranger wouldn't leave my doorsteps.

If I knew that they were really homeless and were not dangerous, I would try and find them help. I have taken in a couple of my son's friends before so I know that I will help those that I can.

Yes, I know that as Christians we aren't supposed to fear and are supposed to trust God. But I have known good Christians who were raped and their faith was no less strong then any other Christian's. Very bad things do happen to Christians just like everyone else.
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