A stupid question about plymouth barred rocks...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 13, 2013
Central Virginia
So, I have two PBRs, they will be 14 weeks old tomorrow. One of them let out 5 or 6 softened cock-a-doodle-dos this morning. It wasn't crazy loud, you could only hear it outside, and wouldn't hear it from inside the house. I know this is a pretty vocal breed, any chance a hen would do that? Or do I have a young rooster on my hands? I know this isn't the best picture, but here are the two PBRs...
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Looks to me like you might have two cockerels on your hands. I have PBRs about the same age as yours and none of them have combs and wattles that large or red.
Sorry, those are both cockerels. One is a pure Rock, one is a black sex link.
That makes since... I was sure they were both cockerels but couldn't figure out why the one was darker. Never thought of one being a black sex link cockerel.
I guess it could be a funky hatchery bird, but that dark barring says mixed breed. If one was really invested in knowing what he was he could be test bred to see if he throws all barred offspring, but I don't think the OP is going to care that much. He's not going to lay eggs and that's the bummer for them.
So, it sounds like these are both roosters, one is a BPR and the other is a mixed breed. Honestly, I'm not worried about the bread, I'm just worried about the gender...here is a better picture of both of them...
Yep, both cockerels.

Actually, I'm thinking maybe Marans? That looks like white/pink skin. I know it may not matter to you, but it could help with selling them if you're going that route.

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