A sultan rooster in San Fernando Valley, CA


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 9, 2012
I'm looking to re-home this fellow, preferably somewhere where he won't be eaten. I know roosters are hard to find a non stew-pot home for, but he's a Sultan, which is comparatively rare out here (at least I've never seen another one for sale). I got a group of cochin chicks, but it turned out he was mislabeled. Anyway, he's not really aggressive, though he can be protective. The issue is that my much larger cochin roo has started picking on him more and lately he's developed several bloody peck-spots on this face. He's kind of a ridiculous bird and pretty hilarious to watch. He get's lonely though without other birds.

Here's a picture of him trying to attack the handkerchief sticking out of my back pocket

Yes! He's still available, and I'm in Chatsworth, not terribly far from you.

You have good timing, him and the cochin have starting fighting a lot in just the past week. I don't know if it's because of the season or what, but they used to never fight (they were raised as chicks together) but I separated them for a day and now they're all over each other. Ludu (the Sultan) has several cuts and has lost some of his 'hair' feathers, so he really could use a new home to heal up in.

Admittedly I'm a little sad to see him go, but he's getting hurt and the ladies are being over mated, so it really must be done. I'll PM you with my number
I can take him, I'm in Sylmar, CA. Any interest in a half dozen Georgia Giant Bobwhite Quail?

Oops, I didn't see your note from the Covina folks. If you still need to rehome him, let me know.
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She wasn't able to take him it turned out, so yes, I'm still looking for a home for him! I sent you a PM
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