A very confused Chicken...thoughts please

I think it's a roo. EE's aren't going to get wattles, at least none of mine have.
Let us know what happens!
I don't see how anyone can think it's a hen with those saddle feathers.........hens just don't get those, even if they act more rooish, crowing, etc. That's a boy all the way!
Yes please let us know whether you get an egg or a crow! I am taking bets for anyone interested!!! My money is on crow!!! Btw my EE's don't have wattles either and none of my EE hens have spurs!!!

Vote count

I vote rooster. He's way too colorful, and those saddle feathers are way too stringy. I know EE's are hard, b/c hens often have what look like saddle streamers, but they are never that stringy unless it's a boy!
Just for the record, I am voting Roo also. I did talk to my friend that I bought it from. He is totally shocked and I know he thought it was a hen. Comparing pictures, the tail feathers have changed from when we got it. Also, he confirmed that he/she is less than one year old. So he's still got time to crow and finish growing those spurs. I will be seperating soon, and if you subscribe to the post, I promise to send an update when he either crows or lays an egg lol.

That makes...
Crow: 3
Egg: 0
I cant wait to see if its a rooster or hen. I have also recently been debating if one of my hens is a rooster. Please let us know what happens...

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