A Video Message From Me - Culling Complete - Update on Post #1

Oh, Don you sure have had your ups and down with your birds and this is a big 'down'. I'm so sorry you had to go through this and kudos for being strong enough to do what you needed to do...

I'm new to having chickens and am grateful for your post. I know it will help others as it has me. Thanks for posting...
You did the right thing. I had enough of a scare to teach me not to bring in birds anymore. Thank God I had her seperated and I got lucky enough not to spread it to the rest of my birds because I don't know if I could cull all of them. I culled the sick ones and saved my other ones as hard as it was. I know you really loved your birds and hopefully you will continue and start over.
Before you started speaking on the video I had tears rolling down my face. I couldn't imagine having to deal with something like MG. It has always been a fear for me. I have ALWAYS practiced biosecurity and will continue to do so. Thank you for being brave enough to share your devistating experience with all of us. When i go to swaps with birds and they don't sell but people have handled them, they come home and go into quarentine for at least a few weeks before rejoining the flock. Do I think your stupid? NO!
Everyone makes mistakes and suffers the consiquences (sp) It takes a big man to admit that which you did. Kudos to you for this thread, I am sure you opened up many eyes. My heart aches for you and your flock.
This is certainly heart wrenching to see some of you had to deal with total culling of your flock. It takes guts!

I always preach about bio security as well but not in the extreme of an overkill of cleaning supplies. Changing clothes and shoes sounds great as well as cleaning duties of everything my chickens come into contact. I do not buy any used feeders or waterers. Everything is brand new. I have not yet gotten this dreadful disease nor the CRD that my friend lost her entire flock from (from 4H show and she didnt quarantine her birds long enough (2 wks) instead of a whole month to two months max. It was a hard lesson for her to learn.

I would not be surprise perhaps roughly 90 percent of our flock in the United Sates HAVE it and we didn't know it. Testing would the be the next best thing to do for our flock to make sure we can do something about it.

That is why I dont show my birds even others have shown my birds but they never came back to me. I didn't want to take the risk.

Thanks for sharing! Its hard but you would have better conscience knowing your birds are much better off than they are right now.
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Humans make human mistakes, we are not infallible. I feel horrible for anyone going through this and for the birds most of all, it's a good thing humans are killed for having a contagious illness or we would all be dead. I'm sorry this happened to you and your flock.

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