A Visiting Chicken in my yard. Please help me!

It's pouring rain and he is just sitting out there in it. I put a box on top of a table, and I also opened the garage door. I guess he doesn't have the sense to get in out of the rain. Poor thing. He's going to be "madder than a wet hen!"

probobaly already know this but it looks like an EE rooster
not sure if it's the same where you live or not, but i talked to one of my animal control guys.. i'm in a zone that says no roosters.. but there's peacocks on the property.. who are noisier than any rooster.. or dozen roosters during mating season.. no roos but the peacocks have no limits???
anyway.. the guy asked if the peacocks were still here.. he knew the previous owner and knew she had roos here.. he said unless someone complains, they aren't gonna check...
you couls try to get him a coop with a door and if you put him in at night and let him out after sunrise in the am a good chance non of your neighbors will even know he's there... and they have to be able to id where he is to turn you in.. a rnadom crowing in the neighborhood is sometimes hard to pinpont....
i'd say keep him till someone shows up and says you can't have him.. they have to give you time to find him a home... claim ignorance of the no roosters rule, and say he just showed up and you took him in...
he is really gorgeous....
i would say arcauna.. maybe EE, but most of the time with EE you don't get the rumpless...

oh, if noone has explained it yet, EE is Easter Egger usually a hybrid of an arcauna or an americauna... sometimes carrying the blue or green egg gene...
oohh and rumpless means it is missing one bone at the end of the spine so it looks like it has no tail... or something like that.. i did a lot of reasearch on the breed, but forgot the exact details already...
I wish I was closer to you! I'd take him in a heartbeat!

I got the 25 EE special from MPC, sent 26, they are 5 weeks old now and I am almost certain they are all hens. I was so hoping I'd end up with at least 1 roo!
Unless somebody complains I would just feed him and let him be. Right now he is a feral chicken and in Texas he should be able to survive roosting in the trees. As long as you do not provide housing you can't be fined. And already animal control has shown a unwillingness to come out. I would think if they considered it a problem they would have come and got him.

Feed him some scratch before he goes to roost of a night and this will keep his body temp up, and make him friendly to you. If you want him to roost in a certain tree put the scratch under the tree. As far as food he will find bugs on his own, just put out some fresh water daily for him.
He isn't rumpless he has tailfeathers, albeit only a few... Looks like he may be going into or coming out of a moult. My girls lose all of their tailfeathers during moult.
Hmmm, I'm not far from you. I wonder how much DH would sqwak if I brought home a new rooster. I have some EE girls who would love him when they finish growing up.

I'll talk to my husband.
Hi Julie...I wish adventures like yours would happen to me too! lol. I sure wouldn't mind having a beautiful rooster show up at my door cause I'm rooster-less right now.

What I do if mine stay out in the rain too long is corral them into a protected space.
For instance your garage, and shut the door until the rain lets up. For all we know he may be waiting for an invitation
Some water and food may convince him that it's a good place to be.
Don't be afraid to pick him up, he might feel threatened at first but will most likely give up and enjoy the petting.
That would also give you a chance to look him over closely. Good luck!

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