A visual of flock size


14 Years
Aug 30, 2009
Mt Repose, OH
My Coop
My Coop
This Pyramid shows a breakdown of our general flock size proportions over the course of a grow season. Each bar is a point where I sort and make cull/sell/eat decisions, as they move through our grow spaces.

From the hatch room brooder to the outbuilding brooders, to the grow pens without runs to the pasture coops/tractors and perhaps ultimately into a breeder pen. About 1 in 10 makes it up to the top tier of the pyramid.

When you're looking for breeding stock, it's important to put your hands on them often. To see how they're developing compared to their peers.

I suppose you could call the sides of the pyramid the cull line? :lol::lol:


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