aaaah snake!

You are absolutely correct. I had a 5' long yellow rat snake take on an adult Buff Orpington hen in the middle of the night....dragged her out of the coop into the pen. Since she was a screamer, I heard her in the house. I turned on the flood lights and the snake was just about wrapped around her til I intervened. That was the same snake that killed 2 of my 3 almost full grown RIR cockerals during the night.
I went out Sunday to get chickens some water and when I opened the back of the chicken tractor a 5 1/2 foot black snake was wrapped around waterers. My 4 large roosters weren't making any noise or anything. And the snake wasn't bothering the chickens. I don't know how long it was in there, but it scared the whooie out of me. I hate snakes. My husband got it and released it down the road in a field.
i like all animals including snakes but they sure scare me when they are trying to get to my chicks

if a snake can kill your adult chickens then it can defenitly kill my chicks
i was told to put a couple golfballs on the floor of the coop the snake will think its and egg and eat it!! don't know if it works or not but i have them on my floor?

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