About to get 30 how long until they can leave the brooder?



They arrived healthy, and i was surprised that none were already dead based on what I've heard about shipping live chicks.

But apparently I've jinxed myself because one died last night. I hope the rest are fine
I put Save A Chick electrolytes and probiotics in their water.

I'm sorry about the chick you lost.

I used Save-a-chick for some of my chicks that I hatched myself. They were very weak, unable to hold their heads up or eyes open for over a day. But after getting them to drink the vitamins, they got stronger and stronger and are now walking around, chirping, and drinking on their own.

Best of luck!
One is bowlegged but the opposite, with her legs to the side of her, and she slides around on her belly. The good thing is she has an attitude so with some help I'm hopeful she'll make it
Is that the brooder in the picture, with wire on the bottom? I've read on here that guineas have weaker hips and legs than chickens so you have to be careful what surface they are on until they build strength. I used puppy pads and then switched to pine shavings at one week. A bad walking surface can cause splayed legs.

Also, where did you get them from? Did they send any extras? I was sent 32 in my order of 30.
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One is bowlegged but the opposite, with her legs to the side of her, and she slides around on her belly. The good thing is she has an attitude so with some help I'm hopeful she'll make it

You can use hobbles to fix this problem, if caught early enough.

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