About to get 30 how long until they can leave the brooder?

I'm looking into guinea fowl for next year and have been doing some looking. I have ordered from efowl.com for my ducks, all beautiful and healthy,and a couple chicken varieties. They also carry the guineas. I think the minimum order is 15 and they have hatchery selected for a little less money than ordering by sex and/or breed.
I ordered 30 hatchery choice through efowl and am very happy with them!

Good to know
I hope the rest make it. I had an order of 16 from efowl and 10 made it. They seemed like the journey was rough on them, but I switched their feed to medicated and they all thrived. They're 4 weeks old and I moved them outside to a brooder with a light.

Wondering how long I need to keep the heat lamp on them. They're fully feathered and sleeping on the perch away from the light at night now. Even the smallest once can fly up.
I stopped using the heart lamp at 3 weeks. No one was baking in it anymore. However, my guineas are on my front porch and subject to the normal heat of the day and coolness of night time since day 1. I do still give mine the night light, but mainly so they won't be in total darkness other than whatever moonlight comes in. It's a 75w red reptile bulb.

Which hatchery did your efowl order come from? Mine were from cackle.
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Mine are outside in a brooder I graduated them to. The tempratures are warm during the day but it hs been dropping to 59F at night. They migrate to the enclosed part of the brooder at night and don't seem to mind the dark.

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