Acclimating Baby Chicks (6 weeks Old) From Indoors to 100+ Texas Heat


In the Brooder
May 26, 2024
We have baby chicks that will be around the 6 week mark when we start looking at moving them to the coop. They are currently in my Photography Studio with the AC vents closed and the outside windows open to start getting the temperature up. It is averaging around 80 degrees but outside it is around 112 with the heat index. A couple weeks ago we took them for a field trip to the coop while we were cleaning out the grow out pen in the studio. They were MISERABLE! Feathers spread out, panting, clacking their beaks, and there was one that could hardly lift her head. I started rushing them back inside for it was clear they were in duress. This was when we started keeping the windows open to start raising the temperature but clearly it is not getting as hot as it is out there. Unfortunately the coop did get set up in direct sunlight. There are trees around but certain times of day there is no shade (except where they will be laying eggs). We are looking at various shade options but how do I get them accustom to these high temperatures?
put a large pan of water in their area for them to wade in .. put it in a place its easy to spray out and replenish couple times a day ..
Put up shade, shade and more shade. If you have to rig something up, rig it up. If you have to buy something, buy something.

These animals are dependent on us, domesticated and unable to really care for themselves.

Shade really helps cool down the coop, run and the ground. I'm in HUMID and HOT Piedmont (middle of the state) North Carolina and I run ragged to keep shade over my chicks that are all outside 100% of the time. No trees nearby and it sucks!

The coop and run looks stupid, but my chicks are cooler and happier. It just is what it is when it's hot as heck outside.

Also, showering the roof of the coop and run with water a few times a day REALLY helps with cooling it all down.
I have the same problem, my coop is in full sun all afternoon and it really sucks.
I planted a persimmon tree for additional shade, but it's a sad stick atm and it'll take years to do any real shade.
I purchased a solar powered fan, it should arrive today, and I'll move my chicks to the coop only when it's installed and working as intended.

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