Acclimation - Very protective hen

BubAnna Angus

In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 15, 2010
Tipton, MI
I have a hen that attacks anything that comes near her pen & it's getting close to time to putting her and her poults in with the other birds. . . any suggestions? I'm thinking I should take the babies & leave her in the pen by herself for a couple of days, but I'm not sure. The poults are about 6 weeks old. This is my second batch to hatch under the hen, first to survive.
Any suggestions?
Your hen is just being protective. It is a sign of a good hen. Six weeks is a little young to put in with other fowl in my opinion and I would not remove them from the hen.
Why do you want to put them with other birds?
I guess I don't have too, they have plenty of room. It's just been about the age when I've put other birds together. I know it's too late for more eggs. I suppose I should just let them be.
She is a good momma bird and I've enjoyed watching her raise them. They are to the point where they are almost too big for her to cover; but she still tries.
I'll give them awhile longer. The shelter in the other area is better, but they're okay for now.
Do you think she'll stay that protective, even when they get bigger?

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