Acres Poultry hatching thread with aliciaplus3!

here is that funny colored chick
here is Big boy he is the son of thst gifted white rooster
and his son big white... my kids give me a bad time about my unoriginal names
blue foot who is also out of that big white rooster
his son whitey the black Nn rooster who is the dad to my DD's black Nn babies we are currently hatching... whew


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I can't add much more until we move, but when we move I can have as many as I want. I just don't want too many now because moving them all would be quite the task!
I keep thinking that I am going to narrow down and concentrate on a few breeds, now that I have the hatching figured mostly out, work on the quality of what I keep. its SO hard cuz part of my obsession with chickens is the "what will i get" factor of crossing different birds.
But I do want to be able to offer some GOOD Birds not just mediocre ones. I Plan to work with the Delawares, white rocks, gold crele legbars and marans going forward. I imagine that I will keep my "treebeard" line( that was the name of the BIG white rooster I was gifted) and try to make my own meat birds. oh and a few whatevers for entertainment colors???
oh an the kids have their projects of course! so we will keep breeding Black turkeys, Black Necked Necks, pekin ducks and geese, ok so that kid is still not sure what breed she will move forward with(we can always eat the extras)
I keep thinking that I am going to narrow down and concentrate on a few breeds, now that I have the hatching figured mostly out, work on the quality of what I keep. its SO hard cuz part of my obsession with chickens is the "what will i get" factor of crossing different birds.
But I do want to be able to offer some GOOD Birds not just mediocre ones. I Plan to work with the Delawares, white rocks, gold crele legbars and marans going forward. I imagine that I will keep my "treebeard" line( that was the name of the BIG white rooster I was gifted) and try to make my own meat birds. oh and a few whatevers for entertainment colors???
oh an the kids have their projects of course! so we will keep breeding Black turkeys, Black Necked Necks, pekin ducks and geese, ok so that kid is still not sure what breed she will move forward with(we can always eat the extras)
That's what we will do with our extras as well. Food for the dogs and the family.
I promised to post updates on my next very special hatch. Got the call from the post office at about 7:25 am thst my eggs were ready for pickup! Wow @Bantambird Did s great job packing these babies for the trip!
each egg carefully wrapped in bubble wrap and tissue paper! Layered ever so neatly! Only one egg in the bery bottom corner was cracked. It was against the corner so I think it recieved a thump!
turkey, black silver marans, blue silver marans, gold crele legbar! Wow!
fit all but 6 in my brinsea ovation 56ex, the last 6 I found spots for in my cabinet incubator. Chicken egg will be due feb 20 and turkey feb 27th. I plan to post updates here. I understand the eggs are from about 3000 feet above sea level and we sit at just under 6000 so I plan to run humidity around 35 for the first week then check air cells and make adjustments if nessisary.
eddited to adjust cereal to crele humph stupid auto correct!
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