ADHD Support Group

Age is a very important factor. Fidget spinners or fidget cubes could be a good idea, but are banned from a lot of schools.
For obvious reasons. Let’s leave that alone, please.
Rubik's cube would be good. Drawing is another good choice. Physical activity. Knitting, crocheting, embroidery, not toys but excellent hobbies. The list goes on and on. Again, age is important to know.
I didn’t realize there were banned :oops:
I still am
Lol before I left my last job, whenever they had those dumb monthly department meetings, I would bring paper to doodle with. A few times I got in trouble, but whenever they wouldn't let me draw, I would literally check out and fall asleep, or just drift off. Eventually they gave up and let me doodle, they would randomly ask me questions while I doodled to make sure I was paying attention.
bringinging in the equines
I was recently diagnosed with ADHD (at the age of 28). I had no idea until recently that all the things that frustrated me about myself were even symptoms of ADHD, because they are so rarely talked about :( I wish there was a lot more advocating for ADHD so it was better understood. It seems far too common for people not to find out they have it until they are adults, especially for those of us with combined or inattentive types.

It's so nice knowing now and getting proper support! I started medication about 2 weeks ago and it really is helping.

If you are still looking for sensory toys, look up Fun and Function, I've helped my clients with other disabilities get sensory toys from there and their catalogue is quite impressive.
I was recently diagnosed with ADHD (at the age of 28). I had no idea until recently that all the things that frustrated me about myself were even symptoms of ADHD, because they are so rarely talked about :( I wish there was a lot more advocating for ADHD so it was better understood. It seems far too common for people not to find out they have it until they are adults, especially for those of us with combined or inattentive types.

It's so nice knowing now and getting proper support! I started medication about 2 weeks ago and it really is helping.

If you are still looking for sensory toys, look up Fun and Function, I've helped my clients with other disabilities get sensory toys from there and their catalogue is quite impressive.
Best of luck to you. :hugs

And everyone else, too! I'm keeping you all in my prayers. :hugs

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