Adopting a kitten for Christmas, should we get two?

Thanks so much for all the replies! I'm heading down to the shelter today to take a look and DH is going with me Friday when we actually get it. I'm hoping he'll fall in love with one and be okay with getting two...
I will be perfectly happy with just one however, it will be spoiled rotten!
You're talking to someone that has 5 so I'd say go for the double. Actually they are more fun if they have a companion of the same age to play with. One thing, when we adopted two(at Christmas time as well) the local SPCA wouldn't allow us to take them both home as they were opposite sexes, we had to have the female spayed first before we could bring her home. That's something you might consider.
I'm hoping they will already be fixed. Most of them are as soon as they're old enough. That's one of the reasons DH was okay with it, we wouldn't have to deal with spaying/neutering.

ETA Not that we wouldn't get them fixed though, just makes it easier if it's already done.
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I lost my 24 year old cat over the summer, and late fall we took in two kittens from a nearby farm . I orginally only wanted one male kitten, but in the end we took in him and one of his sisters. I will have to say it was a good decision on our part. They were living in a chicken coop, and depended on each other quite a bit. The transition from chicken coop to home was easier for them I think. They are happy, well adjusted kittens.
They never leave each others side, and we love to watch them playing.

So, If you can take in two, take in two.
You'll enjoy their antics, and they will enjoy having the extra company as well.

If they are too young to be altered, they will come with a certificate for the surgery for free. It is part of the adoption fee. I have done that with several animals.

Notice I said "they".
But if you get a 6-10 week old kitten, it is gonna drive all your other animals nuts until they agree to play.
One cat, two cats, nine cats- not much difference! Yes, we've had up to nine indoor cats at one time here! LOL Most shelter adoptees. We have 4 now.

A kitten or young cat would probably love to have a friend of the same age/enregy level to play with. But it would be fine on its own, as well. Locking in a room for a few days or a week at a time would be no big deal even for two, as long as they have toys and stuff to amuse themselves when they want. If it were me, I'd go for two, but if your DH really just wants one, then you and the cat will be fine!

Bless you for adopting!

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