Adult chickens with "pasty butt"??

Same I'm having that problem too. Like I have 8 chicks one had a glob and I had to cut it and now it's bald and wet cause I used warm water. Any advice?

How are your chicks doing with the pasty butt problem?
Has it cleared up?
The same thing is happening with my two-year old Brahmas. The poop just starts building up in all that fluff. Yesterday one had a huge glob stuck to her rear end, so I took a tub of warm water outside and stuck her in it. I had to change the water twice because it was so disgusting. She is in good health otherwise. I think it just all the fluff. Time for a trim!
Mine is having the same trouble lately. Though i have wormed her and treated her for coccidia she still has diarrhea. Out of all my chickens she is the only one but seems otherwise this the same thing? Am i missing something that could be making her sick?
Mine is having the same trouble lately. Though i have wormed her and treated her for coccidia she still has diarrhea. Out of all my chickens she is the only one but seems otherwise this the same thing? Am i missing something that could be making her sick?

Is it diarrhea or is it just runny poop? Runny poop is normal sometimes. If she seems healthy otherwise, then I wouldn't worry about it. Just make sure that the poop isn't blocking up her vent, or she'll die from the inability to poop.
I'd just keep an eye on her and the others,but I'm pretty sure that they're fine!
Hi, I'm very new here, this is my first post. We are in SE Arizona.

My mom-in-law has a flock of now 29 hens, ranging in age from 2 to 8+ years. In the past several months she has had about ten hens die, and she's expecting another 3 in the near future. She says the symptoms are always the same. They get a messy, pasty butt (which she does wash), their combs turn dull and flop over, they quit going inside the hen house or moving around much, and then about 4 days later they're dead.

They have a large fenced area, so it's not crowding. There are shady areas provided, so it isn't heat. The coops have plenty of ventilation.

They eat a standard layer crumble, plus lots of produce and bread. This has been their diet for years. She also adds scratch to their food. In December we encouraged her to try fermenting the feed to reduce feed costs. I took care of the process for several weeks, then she took over. BUT I'm pretty sure she isn't adding enough water to sufficiently ferment the feed, because the bucket was heavy to carry, and she didn't think they liked the really wet food. Also, she kept giving them the dry, w/ the scratch (chicken candy) added. It's hard to change the habits of chickens or people.

Any ideas what is wrong with her birds? What could be causing this? And what could we try to remedy it? I will search the forum for other posts related to this issue, but this was the thread that came up on my internet search.
Please be careful of this especially in summer when flies are present. A wet and poopy bottom can attract flies which lay their eggs on the chicken. these eggs become maggots which wreak havoc on the chicken and can easily kill it. This is called flystrike. as gross as it seems, if your chicken becomes too messy, please consider giving it a bath in warm water (towel over head to calm it down) and with gloves, cleaning its rear.
Please be careful of this especially in summer when flies are present. A wet and poopy bottom can attract flies which lay their eggs on the chicken. these eggs become maggots which wreak havoc on the chicken and can easily kill it. This is called flystrike. as gross as it seems, if your chicken becomes too messy, please consider giving it a bath in warm water (towel over head to calm it down) and with gloves, cleaning its rear. 

Thx for the info. I definitely have to give my girls a bath. There somewhat lazy about cleaning off their bums!
This is an older thread, but I was hoping someone could help. I noticed a few weeks ago one of my girls had diarrhea. I figured out it was due to some over loving from my father in law.. He gives them all the left over greens from the garden.. I saw it was getting stuck to her feathers, but I assumed she would shed feathers and that would solve that. Well it didn't.. And yesterday when I picked her up she was all clogged back there. She had a huge ball of poop stuck to her feathers and her vent was very swollen, not too red though? Weird... Anyways I cleaned her up and gave her 1/2 a low dose aspirin for the swelling. today she seems a little off/tired, but ok I guess- she is walking around following the other girls. I saw her poop a few times.. She does seem like she's straining a little and then this little skinny poops come out. She also isn't laying yet -just incase that's important.. Should I iust leave her for a bit and she will resume to her spunky normal? Is there anything I need to do?

Thanks everyone!
This is an older thread, but I was hoping someone could help. I noticed a few weeks ago one of my girls had diarrhea. I figured out it was due to some over loving from my father in law.. He gives them all the left over greens from the garden.. I saw it was getting stuck to her feathers, but I assumed she would shed feathers and that would solve that. Well it didn't.. And yesterday when I picked her up she was all clogged back there. She had a huge ball of poop stuck to her feathers and her vent was very swollen, not too red though? Weird... Anyways I cleaned her up and gave her 1/2 a low dose aspirin for the swelling. today she seems a little off/tired, but ok I guess- she is walking around following the other girls. I saw her poop a few times.. She does seem like she's straining a little and then this little skinny poops come out. She also isn't laying yet -just incase that's important.. Should I iust leave her for a bit and she will resume to her spunky normal? Is there anything I need to do?

Thanks everyone!

Hi @sdaikus Can you post some photos of what you are seeing?

How old is she?
What does the poop look like?
Is she close to laying?
How does her abdomen feel - hard, soft, swollen, fluid filled, etc.?
What type of food/treats do you feed?

If she has a swollen vent, then you may want to give her a soaking in a warm bath with epsom salts. Gently feel inside her vent about 1" with a lubricated finger to make sure she doesn't have an egg stuck (if she is close to laying age-she could be having some problems).

Dry her off well - if it's cold, dry her with a hairdryer set on low heat. For the swollen vent, you can apply some hemorrhoid cream or honey to help reduce swelling. If you can keep her separated/inside so you can monitor her actions. Offer her some poultry vitamins in her water and give her her normal feed.

Normally greens, weeds, veggies, etc., from the garden shouldn't be much of a problem. Chickens love greenery and most of us give our flock fresh stuff each day or let them free range (forage) on grass and in gardens. You want to just make sure there is always fresh water and feed available to them during their waking hours.

Let us know how she is doing.
@Wyorp Rock

She is about 30 weeks.. No eggs yet from her. I felt inside her and I don't feel and egg.. I went an inch but no further, she seemed very tight and her muscles were pulsating the whole time. Although.. She did shoot out fluid after the first time I inserted my finger? She's eat all organic layer pellets, water is always available, she eat cucumbers, raspberries, bananas, and lots of greens from the garden.

I hope the video I attached worked.. It almost seems like she can't see? But I know she can bc she runs from me haha.. When she pecks she pecks the air .. Like she can't reach the ground? It's weird


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