Adventures in Incubating Shipped Eggs

My pipped orpington egg hatched!!!!!


I think it was just waiting for some privacy from that annoying women who kept shining lights on it and tapping. I've been out this afternoon, driving to the SF Bay Area. I have family here and there is a feed store that has 3 day old buff orpington chicks. I was going to pick up 3 of them, but now I only have to pick up 2. Woot! That will give me 7 chicks total.

My husband called to tell me the news. I asked what it looked like ("Wet"). I asked if he could send me a picture ("Really, you'll be back tomorrow"). But, he said he would as soon as he finished his other chores.

:highfive: Fantastic news!! We have sister Orpingtons. So glad one hatched for you. Can't wait to see a pic! :love
It looks like she is a blond. That is probably why my husband has decided it's a she! She looks lonely in there. When I get home tomorrow, I put her in the brooder with the 2 buffs.

Here is my updated: came home from work this evening and one mile fleur Cochin bantam had hatched on it's own, while the other little bantam that had pipped more than 24 hours earlier, had made little progress, so I helped it out. It was pretty stuck to the membrane at that point. It is now safely out with it's friend. That one is a lavender Cochin bantam. So far no more action, I candled, but it doesn't look good. I didn't see any movement, and some didn't have any veining left... So pretty sure they are dis. But it's still a bit early to call it. I will give them 3-4 more days. I did remove one egg that was clearly bad (there was sloshing?) Happening when I moved the egg for candleing. So yeah... I tossed it. I have 4 silkie eggs and 3 Welsh harlequin duck eggs going into lockdown now.

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