Adventures in Incubating Shipped Eggs

I just keep telling my husband that I'm going to sell some of them and that's why I need to hatch so many.... He totally is" buying what I'm selling..." So.... You know. The more the merrier. He does keep insisting that maybe we need to think about selling my Labradoodle puppies though... Cause he says we bit off more than we can chew with them.... They are not understanding that chickens are not chew/play toys so they spend alittle too much time in the crate....
Day 23:
Good morning, friends.

Three of my four Svart Honas pipped at the wrong end. The one that I detected early, I assisted, and I have a perfect little chick.
The two that I did not detect early (the pips were hidden) could not make it out and died, sadly. They would have been lovely, happy chicks.

The fourth has made an internal pip, and there is movement but no sound. I made a tiny air hole. I really don't want to lose this chick. Do I just leave it to work its way out, or do I go in and help, because it is now Day 23 and I just lost two of its siblings?

Well, next Friday my test to see how I do with non-shipped eggs gets to start. It'll be interesting! The only fertile local eggs I could find are a mix - Cochin roo, and for the hens; Cochin, RIR, Ameraucana (Pretty sure EE), 'unknown black' and 'unknown buff'.

Heh... and I may be getting some that are 'assorted hens', BLW roo.
I think non-shipped eggs are going to be a breeze after dealing with shipped eggs. Barnyard mixes are fun to. You never know what your are going to get.
Well, next Friday my test to see how I do with non-shipped eggs gets to start. It'll be interesting! The only fertile local eggs I could find are a mix - Cochin roo, and for the hens; Cochin, RIR, Ameraucana (Pretty sure EE), 'unknown black' and 'unknown buff'.

Heh... and I may be getting some that are 'assorted hens', BLW roo.
I think non-shipped eggs are going to be a breeze after dealing with shipped eggs. Barnyard mixes are fun to. You never know what your are going to get.
More chickies!! Agreed, sounds fun. @Zinjifrah You'll have to start a thread for that, so we can follow along.
Day 23:
Good morning, friends.

Three of my four Svart Honas pipped at the wrong end. The one that I detected early, I assisted, and I have a perfect little chick.
The two that I did not detect early (the pips were hidden) could not make it out and died, sadly. They would have been lovely, happy chicks.

The fourth has made an internal pip, and there is movement but no sound. I made a tiny air hole. I really don't want to lose this chick. Do I just leave it to work its way out, or do I go in and help, because it is now Day 23 and I just lost two of its siblings?

Very sorry for your Svart's and for you. :hugsIt's so hard losing them when they were that close to being out. Please don't be too hard on yourself. Things happen in hatching and it's not a given they would have made it had you intervened.

Edited, because I re-read it and saw you had made an air hole. I think the next step is to carefully pull back some shell to see what's going on. Hopefully the link I sent will help.
I have officially lost my mind waiting for "Cecelia" - the last, lonely egg in the warmer incubator - to pip. I am now singing to the egg every time I walk into the room...
(Cue the 70s music)
"Cecelia, start breaking that shell
I really can't tell if your hatching
Oh, Cecelia, I'm down on my knees
I'm begging you please to come out"

(You young'uns, just ignore me. In fact, everyone ignore me. This insanity will pass.)
Somehow I sang your post as I read it. :lau
Very sorry for your Svart's and for you. :hugsIt's so hard losing them when they were that close to being out. Please don't be too hard on yourself. Things happen in hatching and it's not a given they would have made it had you intervened.

Edited, because I re-read it and saw you had made an air hole. I think the next step is to carefully pull back some shell to see what's going on. Hopefully the link I sent will help.
Thanks for being a great hatch-a-long pal, @Morrigan . I really do appreciate that link. It's sensible and practical.
I chipped away to get a better look, and used coconut oil on the exposed membrane.
Chick is not peeping, but is struggling very hard.
The veins are still active - on Day 23! - so I put the baby back in the incubator.

I so hope this baby can make it. Today's my birthday, so this will be my little birthday twin, if it can survive. (I was a twin, myself, but my sibling was stillborn, so I've been a lone twin all my life. Really don't want to lose this baby today. :fl)
Thanks for being a great hatch-a-long pal, @Morrigan . I really do appreciate that link. It's sensible and practical.
I chipped away to get a better look, and used coconut oil on the exposed membrane.
Chick is not peeping, but is struggling very hard.
The veins are still active - on Day 23! - so I put the baby back in the incubator.

I so hope this baby can make it. Today's my birthday, so this will be my little birthday twin, if it can survive. (I was a twin, myself, but my sibling was stillborn, so I've been a lone twin all my life. Really don't want to lose this baby today. :fl)
Happy Birthday!

I'll be on the road for the next few hours bringing a couple of buff orpington chicks home to join the hatchlings, but I will be thinking about you and your chick and sending positive vibes. I know the little chick wants to make it!

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