Adventures in Incubating Shipped Eggs

Okay! It took a collaboration of camera and flashlight, but; may I introduce to you, #1 of 13 potentials.

5-20-18, #1.JPG
:love So sweet!

There is very little more precious than a new-born chick. Thanks for getting us a picture.

What a cutie!

So sleepy... and lonely! I do hope another hatches soon to keep it company. Tiny hasn't done anything since pipping, though, and the rest haven't pipped. Makes me nervous.
I know how that feels. My fingers are crossed for you and your little chicks.

Thanks. I did just check on Tiny really quickly, to make sure that the pip had gone through the inner membrane. The egg's so small, I had doubts about the ability of a chick to survive in there. I was honestly surprised to feel movement inside - just taking a good long rest before coming out, and the pip is good.
I made a judgement call. Tiny's egg was just so small... when I checked to be sure the pip was good, there were no veins in the membrane. It was white. I decided to see if the chick needed help just a little bit ago, and the answer was yes. The egg was so small, it didn't have enough room to move to unzip. It seemed to be positioned right, but it was crammed in there like a sardine - that's the egg that was about 1/2 to 3/4ths the size of the next smallest egg in the bunch. Yolk fully absorbed - here's hoping I made the right choice!

5-20-18, #2.JPG
We just lost one of the new ones for no apparent reason I hadn't check on them in a few hours and when I went back in they were on their back & gone everyone seems perfectly fine & healthy.... No pasty butt, eating & drinking. Praying the rest make it to morning!

I'm sorry for your loss! I lost two of my feed-store Sebrights, with no idea why... I think that's worse than knowing what the problem was. One was perfectly fine, eating and drinking when I checked, less than 15 minutes later I saw him looking wobbly, and he died before I could get to the brooder.

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