Adventures Staying at Home...

How has the self quarantine effected you?

  • Dramatically

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • A little

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Somewhat

    Votes: 10 23.3%
  • Not much

    Votes: 19 44.2%
  • Not at all

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • I wish I’d hoarded all the rum

    Votes: 10 23.3%

  • Total voters
We bought new baby chicks yesterday. It’s been a great distraction & a small attempt to make things feel more normal. Happy Easter, peeps. 🐥


I have heard they are keeping the liquor stores open for a couple of reasons. 1, alcoholics can die and they don't want them flooding hospitals and 2, alcohol does keep some people calm. I guess booze is essential then? :idunno
This is true. I am a nurse and we sure don't want a flood of people into our ED with withdrawal right now
For my next distraction, we are trying to frame & dig out a new garden plot. This is pretty much wasted, sloped space that only grows foxtails, so why not.

We’re doing it as cheap as possible with $1 cement blocks & child labor (Kidding! Don’t call CPS, I was only joking.) It won’t be pretty, but if it keeps everybody busy & outside for a while, it will be a success.

You can see the ducks are close at hand in all the pictures. The chickens lose interest pretty quickly, but the ducks know the best bugs are buried deep.

I have two small raised beds- maybe a foot high. Both are empty thanks to a buck who ate all the expensive, gorgeous hostas that used to live there. I checked the other day - hoping something grew back besides weeds - no luck. But found several holes dug in the soil. First I thought cats but, nothing in the holes. Squirrels maybe???? Just strange. If it stops raining I will toss some moth balls in the holes. Have no plans to replant. The place I bought from in Iowa, sold out to a landscaping firm.:hit
For my next distraction, we are trying to frame & dig out a new garden plot. This is pretty much wasted, sloped space that only grows foxtails, so why not.

We’re doing it as cheap as possible with $1 cement blocks & child labor (Kidding! Don’t call CPS, I was only joking.) It won’t be pretty, but if it keeps everybody busy & outside for a while, it will be a success.

You can see the ducks are close at hand in all the pictures. The chickens lose interest pretty quickly, but the ducks know the best bugs are buried deep.
View attachment 2110938
View attachment 2110940
Looks like a fun project!

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