Advice needed asap please


Aug 13, 2020
Hi there I need advice asap please. My broody hen hatched one egg and left the other . When I got home from work she was out in the yard with her baby and the other chick in the egg was almost hatched and absolutely freezing. I can't believe it was still alive it was so cold. I quickly brought it in put it in the incubator. It finished hatching after it warmed up but it's belly was so extended and belly button was extremely swollen. Half hour later while in the incubator its belly started exploding and leaking yolk everywhere all over the incubator. Is there anything I can do will it die? I feel so sad and helpless :(


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Hi there I need advice asap please. My broody hen hatched one egg and left the other . When I got home from work she was out in the yard with her baby and the other chick in the egg was almost hatched and absolutely freezing. I can't believe it was still alive it was so cold. I quickly brought it in put it in the incubator. It finished hatching after it warmed up but it's belly was so extended and belly button was extremely swollen. Half hour later while in the incubator its belly started exploding and leaking yolk everywhere all over the incubator. Is there anything I can do will it die? I feel so sad and helpless :(
You could tie the yolk sack off with a string and spray it with Vetricyn or Neosporin.
You could tie the yolk sack off with a string and spray it with Vetricyn or Neosporin.
Thank you. Seems to just be getting worse now it's belly or whatever is just hanging now. I made it a dipper in hopes that will stop it from getting worse but I'm assuming it will pass on :(


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Hi there I need advice asap please. My broody hen hatched one egg and left the other . When I got home from work she was out in the yard with her baby and the other chick in the egg was almost hatched and absolutely freezing. I can't believe it was still alive it was so cold. I quickly brought it in put it in the incubator. It finished hatching after it warmed up but it's belly was so extended and belly button was extremely swollen. Half hour later while in the incubator its belly started exploding and leaking yolk everywhere all over the incubator. Is there anything I can do will it die? I feel so sad and helpless :(
Keep it on soft clean paper towels in the incubator, prefferably in a cup.
The baby was very premature, did you assist the hatch?
Keep it on soft clean paper towels in the incubator, prefferably in a cup.
The baby was very premature, did you assist the hatch?
Absolutely not assisted. Was piiped last night when I looked on momma hen but she cleary abandoned it in mid hatch today. I brought it in after work as it was freezing cold then it hatched on its own.
This little baby survived the night 💜 although I'm not holding my breath as he/she is super weak. I had it in a cup with paper towels and a cloth holding it up for the night but am giving it a little lay down rest now for just a bit. Still has some of its belly hanging out.


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This little baby survived the night 💜 although I'm not holding my breath as he/she is super weak. I had it in a cup with paper towels and a cloth holding it up for the night but am giving it a little lay down rest now for just a bit. Still has some of its belly hanging out.
can you get another photo of the naval area? It may be the umbilical cord/yolk remains you're seeing but I'd like to be sure theres nothing else coming out from her stomach.
I wonder if perhaps some food/water with vits added could help energize her. I'm just not sure.
Let's call in some more people, @BirdsBeesTrees @WVduckchick not a duckling but any chance you could help?
can you get another photo of the naval area? It may be the umbilical cord/yolk remains you're seeing but I'd like to be sure theres nothing else coming out from her stomach.
I wonder if perhaps some food/water with vits added could help energize her. I'm just not sure.
Let's call in some more people, @BirdsBeesTrees @WVduckchick not a duckling but any chance you could help?
I'm sorry I don't want to hurt it I got the best pics I could. It's still chirping when touched. It wants to survive so sad.


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I'm sorry I don't want to hurt it I got the best pics I could. It's still chirping when touched. It wants to survive so sad.
It is very sad. I'm hoping for the little one.
Keep her from trying to walk, so in the cup is good, lined with soft clean dry paper towels- the main risks for her right now is her stepping on it and damaging her naval further, and the big one- infection. If we can keep this from getting infected (if it isn't already), she may have a chance. But it is a very slim one. And that's if infection can be prevented. As it stands I don't know how much hope there is for her-- but we can still hope!
Her drinking some electrolytes water is really good I would say. I would offer this to her several times a day. Hopefully someone more experienced comes online to help soon!
@New duck mommy 2021
any thoughts for this chick?

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