Advice Needed for 2 Chickens Sharing a Clutch of Eggs

briar hills

6 Years
Apr 13, 2013
I had a hen go broody, so decided to give her some fertilized eggs to hatch. Now I have two hens sharing the box, they don't peck at each other, but I am a bit concerned what will happen when they hatch. Also since they are with the other hens, how is the best way to go about separating the two (or just one) and chicks from the others? My hens aren't mean but do peck to show dominance and I don't want the chicks hurt. I could make a caged off area in the corner of the coop. When would be the best time to do a move? I've raised plenty of chicks, but never let a hen go broody and I thought it would be something for my boys to see, a mama hen and her chicks. My husband says take them when they hatch and raise ourselves.

Any advice would be welcome. They are due to hatch this coming weekend.
I have had this happen a few times. I let them sit together then when the first chick comes I take one hen and out her in a cage with the chick then just keep giving her chicks untill the hatch is over. Then split the hatch between the two. This is good for when you have eggs laid after she sits by other hens.
Wow that's great advice! I have the same thing going on and wasn't sure what to do... Thank you!

Beautiful hens Briar :)
I just leave them to it. I have had 2 hens share incubation and chicks with no problems. The chicks just had 2 mothers too look out for them. They would also both brood the chicks at night. There was never any fighting and all the chicks grew into nice healthy adults.

I think having 2 hens take care of the chicks give the chicks more protection and attention - so I would just leave them to it.
My two broodies were doing the same thing - trading two eggs back and forth. After the first chick hatched (and the second one was hatching under Broody1) I tried to move Broody2 (the wanted to be mama and the one who had hatched the first egg) and the chick to a separate area, but she was very insistent on going back to the nesting box. After both chicks hatched, Broody1 was happy to be moved and take care of the chicks so I gave Broody2 some more eggs from a batch I had going in the incubator. She had gone broody a week or so later than the first one, so I guess she didn't think she'd sat long enough.

So I guess from my very limited pool of knowledge - which only happens to cover this exact question - I'd say reeder75 gave great advice, but you may have to wait until they hatch and see which one (or both) wants to be mama. I didn't have any problem with either of the mamas pecking the chicks, but a third hen was enjoying her new position that wasn't at the bottom of the pecking order.

(Their beaks are covered with yogurt - I fed them while they were in lockdown mode and they didn't have anywhere to clean up!)
Thanks for the advice. I should be home and not at work since they will be hatching on Sat or Sun this coming week. I will keep a watch on them and play it by ear. I have faith in my hens to raise them.My husband is a real pessimist at times. We had 21 hens and introduced them to 29 new ones this Feb. Five of the new ones got picked off by a possum (RIP) so it would be nice to replenish the numbers. I am hoping for a lot of hens, started with 14 fertilized eggs, now down to 11. My husband said we'll get all roosters, see what I mean about the pessimism.

I am thinking I will set a small feeder and waterer over in a corner and put in a larger box with lots of straw or pine for the family over in a corner so they can have privacy, they are up high now and will have to move once the chicks hatch.
I have never really had a problem taking one hen away and give her a chick. They seem so be so into the chick or chicks that they forget about the nest. I've had this success with banties and regular brown egg layers. Actually last summer I did this with a black sex-link hen and a columbian hen. They were just over a year old and I bought them from Frey's Hatchery as chicks! All of the chicks I bought from the Hatchery went broody! Most people would be happy, but I wanted eggs for the house!!
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We've decided for the first time to let our broody Jersey Giant sit on our Cochin's fertilized eggs. We've never done this before, having always purchased day-old chicks from the feed store. We're very excited, but not sure if there's something we should be doing for her, special housing, etc.
Just let her do the work! I find that if you just let them do thier thing and try not to "help" them all will be well!
We bought some quail eggs a couple weeks ago because we had a bantam that'd been broody for a while. By the time we got the eggs she was out of it but our other two hens had taken over the infertile chicken clutch. We swapped the eggs and now all three of them want in on the action! The original broody took the seat of our main broody while she got up for a stretch, so the main broody came back and sat on top of the other two. These gals are very docile; we've never had any aggression with them or this breed of bantam, so I'm hoping for the best.


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