Advice needed... = Java Peafowl problem...

The post office has change there shipping on lives here is there policy

Customers sending Express Mail shipments containing live animals should expect a 2-3 day transport of their shipment. Shipping early in the week is suggested, and holiday weeks may have limited acceptance days and times. Express Mail postage will not be refunded unless the delivery or attempted delivery is more than three days after the day of mailing.

I sure they made it within three days and I sure Roger know this and it his way of getting out of paying the shipping of the bird back to him. A honest breeder would have never sent a bird out that look like he did. He needs to send you your money back for the bird and the shipping you payed to send the bird back he the one that wanted it back.
Well that stinks Doug!
They must have just recently changed that. I got it back several times this year on chicks, but what ya gone do??
You're right though, he knew what he was sending out, if they have those gimmpy legs, they aint gone get no better, period.
He was just trying to dump a bad bird on someone sounds like doesnt it?
I'll make it obvious that I am new to peafowl... can't a bird with an amputated wing breed? Or is it a case where he would fall off? In my experience, critters learn to adapt. This guy sounds like somebody that I wouldn't want to deal with!
yep wings are not required for breeding, a good leg is a must though unless it is a hen. BUT what honest breeder would feel good about himself breeding to a crippled bird. You would not want to pass those weak genetic on, especially in hi end breeds like this.
If it were and injury, that'd be a little different, but this case isnt....

I've got an 09 chick (java) that is this way too. The only reason I havent euthanized it, is Javas are extremely flightly birds, BUT this follows me everywhere, lets me pet it eats from my hand etc, very rare for any green bird to do that. So I just dont have the heart to kill it. BUT it will never be more than just a pet bird, it'll never go in a breeding pen....
But what I was getting at... according to him, the bird can't be used as a breeder now. When he shipped the bird off, he didn't seem to think that the leg issue was a problem. Now that he got it back with a broken wing (which he probably could have broken after he got it back), now it can't be used as a breeder? I agree completely that a bird with a genetic defect shouldn't be used as a breeder... just trying to figure out where he is coming from. Wouldn't that mean that he is saying that a bird with an amputated wing can't breed? That part left me scratching my head.
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Was he from Tennessee? I also bought a pair that way too. The green peacock was cripple. The peahen he sent was skinny. She died a week later.

He was also supposed to replace this pair in the spring. Spring 2008 came and went. No word from this breeder.

I was so disappointed.
That's what I was getting at too! It wasnt a viable bird to start with when he sent it and he knows it. The wing has nothing to do with the ability to breed, but a crippled (genetically deform or weak) leg sure does.

That cant be used now deal, it just trying to put the blame off on you or the postal system, making it out as that he was the one who was done wrong and now has to eat the bird (money wise) Well, that's exactly what he was trying to do to you, let you eat his left overs.... No reputable breeder would in good conscience send out a bird like that, Is he a UPA member??hint hint

Sure hate you got messed up with this, green peafowl as the most beautiful of all of them to me. Do your best to get your money back, then try one of these guys, they wont do you wrong in a million years
Doug Mc Nutt
Sid Drenth
or Steve Whitaker

They all 3 are great breeders, and great people to work with!
Thanks... Ive spoken with all 3... Doug is taking a year off, and Sid is working on other projects right now... but Steve said he may be able to help me out... So Im trying to buy all my greens from steve... I plan on getting an 08 pair of Greens from steve and soon work on indo chinese then buremese...
Frosty go to page two and go down to URGENT!!! - Java Peafowl legg issues... and you will see a picture of the male. He should have never been sold I sure he the only one he had and he didn't want to send the money back. A true peafowl breeder would have never sent a bird out like this. I would like to know who his vet was that said the bird was going to be allright because he know nothing about peafowl. I have never seen a bird with leg problems this bad get get better they will get worse and before long he want be able to walk. I think he using the broke wing if it is broke to put the blame on you. High protein feed is the biggest cause of leg problems in javas it grows them to fast and there legs can't handle the weight. We feed a 22% chick starter and around 6 weeks they are out of the brooder and put in 8x8 pens with concrete floor cover with sand they need room to move around and exercise.

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