Advice on getting cean eggs


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 20, 2012
Ok so I have a coop and run. The run is obviously outside. The coop is bone dry with lots of wood chips. The hens lay there eggs inside the dry coop in there bone dry nest boxes. But every time I collect the eggs they are covered in mud. There is no droppings on the eggs just mud. I have spent lots of money on wood chips for the run but it is so wet and soggy here in WV that they just track the mud in on there feet. I am currently getting ready to build another coop to expand a bit.

My question is should I build the other run with a covering on top? Will this prevent the run from becoming muddy? Can someone give me some ideas?
Mine is covered and the run is sand, love it stays dry and very easy to clean with a cat litter scoop. They love to dust and scratch around all day.
Never thought of using sand. My only problem with sand is that if the run is very big at all I would have to hall lots of heavy sand to the site. Plus I wanted to use my wood chips for the garden. Don't think sand is the best option for me but its an idea.
I used sand in the run. Heavy rain could cause puddles of water that couldn't drain away fast enough resulting in mud on the eggs. So I put a tarp over the run. Then I upgraded the tarp to fiberglass panels. Eliminated dirty eggs by 99%.

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Nice run. I wonder if I made my next run with roof panels and used wood chips if I could get the same results. Results being clean eggs lol. I really want to use those wood chips in my garden.
I have sand in my run and its covered with clear corrugated roofing as well. Trust me, it's the way to go. Eventually you'll need to add more sand because it turns to sandy "dirt". I shoveled that out and used it for the garden. Here where we have clay soil, there is nothing better to amend it with to break it up than sand mixed with chicken manure for nutrients. I can't say enough good things about this setup
Never had a dirty or muddy egg.
We use what you describe---covered run (corrugated plastic roof) and wood shavings. Can't wait to harvest the compost this spring. Go for it!
My hens make me look for the eggs and have this last year cut down to only using
a couple of nest on the ground and I do not get muddy eggs but all I have is sand
in my yard and dirt is so expensive here and only used in gardens so I would have
to suggest using sand ..........
I live in a really dry place, so mud isn't usually an issue for me, but when I added ducks to my flock, that all changed.The run has to have good drainage. Even if the run is covered, if the run is in a low spot, water will flow there and cause mud. Sand is a great solution for drainage, and also very easy to clean. I personally just have a regular dirt/grass run, and moved the ducks little pool close to a tree, so they can get that area wet all they want.

I use sawdust and straw in the nest boxes.It absorbs a lot of moisture and keeps poop or mud from sticking to anything because it gets all powdered with sawdust whenever the chickens scratch around in there
They used track a lot of mud in the coop when I had a dirt floor. I use straw as bedding now, and stir it around with a pitch fork every once in a while. It works because it it absorbent and very cheap to buy. I've never used wood chips, but I wouldn't think they would be as absorbent.

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