Advice/opinion please? WARNING MAY UPSET SOME


I don't even know how to respond to this, but apparently I come from a different background. I've lived with a deer head in my freezer for a year until we had the money to pay the taxidermist (is that spelled right?). I've also had frozen rats that were to be thawed and used for snake food. Not wild rats, of course
I see nothing wrong with keeping a carcass in the freezer. I mean, it's the same as the meat already in there, right? Dead animals are dead animals. That said, I do make sure anything with the fur/feathers still on is double bagged. But I really don't see how the dead chicken killed by a predator is different than the dead chicken killed in the killing cone.
We take them to the woods and give the wild animals something to eat.... especiallly in the winter time.
OMG this is the first time in 30 years I have heard someone admit they wanted to freeze their pet and bury it later th. When my step dad told my mom he was going to put Taco our cat in the freezer and wait till the weekend to bury it she said "hell no"somad. I could not have agreed more. I think that if their are others in the household you should consider them before putting a dead animal intended for burial in the same place that their meals are stored. Just the thought of it sickbyc Sorry you lost your pet but in the freezer ep

Meat intended for consumption is just that, a dead animal. Same as the dead pet is a dead animal. Of course wrap them separately to prevent contamination, but still. A dead body is a dead body no matter how you slice it (no pun intended)

I bury pets. The rest I leave for consumption by the scavengers. What I do with the body depends on the animal's family status.​
Sarah, I don't appreciate you yelling at me. I live alone and no one has to be "considered" also I said I had an extra freezer, pay attention.
Where do you keep your dirty pork and beef that you freeze. An animal is an animal weather it is a cow or a duck, how do you store your store bought chickens, do you think they are clean when you buy them? Think again honey.
When my friend lost his dog to a car accident the police told him to put him in the freezer until the dog shelter opened on Monday so he could have them dispose of his pet. What do you think the germs are just waiting for you to put your pet in the freezer so they can jump out and attack your nice dirty meat you got at the store.? Yeah germ party everyone's invited.

Thank you all who are normal and support me. People think our animals are going to make us sick, but if they only think of how dirty the food is that they buy from the store they really would be sick, my cousin was a butcher the food was so dirty the boss would make him soak the sour smelling chicken and beef in baking soda so it would not stink for the customer. Stores take off the out dated stickers to put on new ones so we do not know how old and dirty our food it. And she is worrying about my clean chicken?
My cousin finally had to quit his job he could not deal with the way animals were stored and presented to the public.
I was walking down the street in Brooklyn one day and a delivery guy dropped a side of beef right on the dirty street where dogs peed and pooed, he just picked up over his shoulder and brought it inside. You think he told his boss he dropped that meat? (that was long ago when they butchered in the markets)

If you know anything about germs you would now that germs in meat die a week or two after being in the freezer. I would like to know how you think the germs in my plastic bag are smart enough to jump out of my chicken and into my other food in the freezer. Get a life.

To answer Tennesse she was too mangled to be kept and I really don't think I coujld sit and look at her sitting on my piano. :eek:) but it is a good idea.

Ya know there are many people in this world and many have different ideas what is fine for me may not be foine for you but no one shuld assume that what each of us does is better or worse than what they do.

So Sarah keeps her chickens in a hermetically sealed room so her family doesn't get any germs?
I like your final decision to nurture the trees, I kind of like that better than what Ive done, which is leave them out in the woods for some hungry fox or raccoon to feed her young, sort of giving them back to nature. But, truth be told, it is so sad and frustrating when one of them dies, it was really easier. I think next time I will remember to plant them under a fruit tree or shrub, to keep them better remembered. Everyone has the right to do what they feel is best for them, and it sometimes helps to hear other people's thoughtful opinions.
to you and your remaining flock.
Guess you live a sheltered life.

I kept my beloved miniature dachshund's body double-wrapped in plastic in MY freezer for a year before I could bury him. He died trying to protect the landlady's two geese from coyotes. One of them snapped his neck. I could not bury him right away because I was so upset. Then the ground got too hard, so I had to wait for the rainy season again.

He's now out under a mulberry tree in the blackberry brambles, where he loved to hunt varmints.
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gryeyes: how sad to lose your boy to coyotes, I dom't know if i could take that. My pug jumped a hawk and my immediate fear was that the hawk woukd turn on him but he was determined, like your baby, to save my hen. Sadly that is the one that was taken this time.
You shouod be very proud the he was such a brave boy.

kfchicken lady: I truly think it is admirable to give your little one to the wild animals, after all they didn't do the deed, I hope. I just could not imagine a creature knawing on my girl. The first one I lost, I heard her being killed it was too dark for me to try to rescue her I was not sure what animal it was.

I do understand this is nature and animals eat animals, I feed my dog raw meat, that is what dogs are supposed to eat but he never harmed a chicken.
I'm sorry. Sure wasn't meaning to be cruel, hope I didn't add to your sadness. My wife said
Truely I'm sorry Sincerely though I had to chuckle when I pictured her on the piano, I'm sorry. Sometimes a good laugh is as good as a good cry.

My wife reminded me of the 2 crows I have in the freezer right now that have been there for way to long (I mean a couple of years) and she said take them to the taxidermist or I'll be having 2 and 20 black birds baked in a pie by this weekend.

Again sorry for the loss Tom
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Tom thanks so much for caring I did chuckle myself for a moment. Life has to be funny or we will die with all the pain it brings.
I am not upset. It would probably scare the daylights out of me to get up in the morning and see her sitting on the piano glaring at me.
Reminids me of a show where the guy kept his dog(?) stuffed and he stroked it everytime he walked into the room. It was serious to him but I thought it was funny.

I see nothing wrong with that I have seen what a wonderful job they do it allows you to keep your loved ones near you but it is not for me.
No problem, say thanks to your wife and assure her you didn't say anything wrong.

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