After day 00


May 23, 2022
Central Maine
How long after the incubator says 00 days do you feel there is no hope for an egg? I did ask on a other thread but didn't get an answer. Yesterday was day "1" and I have 3 pipped and 3 not pipped or moving or anything since lockdown. 3 OE and a BCM.. they are from my shipped eggs.. how many more days should I wait until an "eggtopsy"?

I have never had any not hatch before day 1 in my last 3 incubations (which are also my first 3). Not sure I like shipped eggs. Nor will I buy from that person again. Live and learn.. thanks in advance for insite
24 hours after they have pipped, the chick will likely start to go into distress and if you want to get them out, you'll have to help. 48 hours and the chick is likely dead.

It is your choice, obviously to help. Here is a link of an article written by @Pyxis. In my opinion, it is the best piece of information on the internet when it comes to helping a chick out of their egg. I used to be entirely against assisted hatching, but this article changed my stance completley.

If you have never assisted, And are on the fence, I'd suggest giving it a shot atleast once using this article. Very rewarding if it works out.

Oh and here are the first 6

Top right, Orpington
Top left f3 OE
Two gray, one is SG(mine)
One is WTB
Bottom left, EE
Bottom right, mine, Light Brahma x barred rock (Cockrell is all I have got so far lol)
Waiting on Lavender Orpington, another WTB, f2 OE.. all three pipped..
I know you likely meant color and not breed, but just in case, all colors of Orpington are the same breed. The different varieties are all the same breed, just different color names.

I would guess it's probably crele in color.

Just to make sure, what date did you set the eggs? If it's been 24 hours since pipping and the chicks have made no progress, I would consider helping them, especially being that they were shipped eggs.
Thank you I was wondering about crele as well.. has a white head spot like a barred would

I got 3 more yeaterday.. the second whiting true blue, the f2 OE and the lavender orpington.. I did an eggtopsy this morning.. the two Olive Eggers apparently didn't make it very far as there qas a yolk in there kinda floating.. hard to see in an OE egg.. the BLACK copper Maran however was fully developed.. no veins so I used coconut oil on the membrane.. was not shrink wrapped but wasn't breathing and no internal pip.. I opened membrane and yolk sat was absorbed as well.. looked kind of like the feet were over its head? Feel like I should have tried helping yesterday instead but that's how it goes. I would have taken pictures but it felt kinda morbid as it was, being my first time, so decided against it. Got 7 out of the 16 I started with in shipped eggs....

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