After raising poultry are eggs ruined for you guys?( I raise ducks but this occurs to anybody)

I really hadn’t thought much about this until you posed the question but we rarely eat eggs now. I give most away or bake with them. My dogs get raw egg every other day,but I can’t remember when I actually cooked eggs for my dh and I :idunno
I extra like the eggs now, it's store eggs the weird me out now.- I know the girls are happy and doing all the dumb things they want and I have yelled "I feed you I this is rent" more then once when one of them gives me the side eye when I'm getting eggs.

No one give side eye better then duck.

Though really they are probably wondering if I'm handing out treats.
I don’t think it’s anything to do with me not liking eggs any longer. I always have loved eggs chicken and duck and goose since that the 3 species I have just got out of the habit of using them for us. I hated having to buy store bought eggs and so far in 14 yrs haven’t had to.

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