After raising poultry are eggs ruined for you guys?( I raise ducks but this occurs to anybody)


happy duck

Crazy duck mom
Mar 24, 2018
Small town
My Coop
My Coop
Since owning ducks I have never been able to eat an egg with the same pride and tasty element as when I was not raising my little ducks. I am so disappointed cuz I loved eggs, but now I am having a hard time getting it down! Are there other BYC members having just a hard time getting those eggs down?
Oops... I think I misunderstood.... Sounds like you mean that you have a hard time eating your girls eggs because they work hard laying! I thought you meant you don’t like commercial eggs. Sorry, my bad! Now some may call me crazy but I went vegan - now give all the eggs away
No problem. I am confusing myself to. To clear myself up: it is hard to just eat eggs in general just cuz I own the poultry....if that makes since.
I, myself, am looking forward to eggs. Number 2 reason for getting ducks! I’d have no problem eating their meat either - though I’m not going to slaughter them - so it would depend on how they will have died.

On a side note - I also made my kids clean the fish they caught before they ate it. Just a part of being at the top of the food chain - for now!:sick
My flock eggs are far superior to the grocery store eggs. I would much rather eat them now than before. That's why I got chickens and also ducks. I look forward to freshly delivered eggs from the coop. I was a little hesitant with the duck eggs at first, but only due to never eating them before. But, they are so delish.

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