Aggressive baby chick


Mar 13, 2016
Santa Rosa, CA
Have 2 brooders going, raising few-day old Cuckoo Marans and a Welsummer; also 2-week-old Barred Rocks and Americaunas. It's going well, of my days-old Marans is being especially aggressive. Not just the usual picking, but instead unprovoked rushing of the other chicks, picking at the eyes, and even getting on top of other chicks -- aggressive behavior that seems to exceed what is commonly described as the establishment of "pecking order." We've segregated her in order to limit the behavior. Later, put her in with older chicks, in hopes they would better extinguish her misbehavior. No blood has been drawn, as of yet.

Anything else to consider? Is this a sign of behavior that is unlikely to change? Is she going to terrorize our whole flock for years to come. Thanks for any input!
You might actually be escalating the behavior by separating your chick from the others. They have pecking orders the same as adult birds do. Removing the chick and then putting it back with the others may be upsetting the balance and making your little tiger fight for what it perceives is its rightful place in the order of things.

I have 8 2 week old chicks hatched by a Buff O hen. They are to the point where they are scrapping with one another from time to time. It's comical to watch them jump and fly at one another in mock battle. If somebody gets too rough, they just run back to momma for protection.

As suggested, I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as no blood is drawn. Don't permit it to act aggressively towards you however. It might be a little cockerel and no sense allowing bad habits to set in that you have to deal with later when it is older. I've picked up chicks when they act out towards me and held them till they calm down.

Good luck with your little 'slugger'.
You might actually be escalating the behavior by separating your chick from the others. They have pecking orders the same as adult birds do. Removing the chick and then putting it back with the others may be upsetting the balance and making your little tiger fight for what it perceives is its rightful place in the order of things.

I have 8 2 week old chicks hatched by a Buff O hen. They are to the point where they are scrapping with one another from time to time. It's comical to watch them jump and fly at one another in mock battle. If somebody gets too rough, they just run back to momma for protection.

As suggested, I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as no blood is drawn. Don't permit it to act aggressively towards you however. It might be a little cockerel and no sense allowing bad habits to set in that you have to deal with later when it is older. I've picked up chicks when they act out towards me and held them till they calm down.

Good luck with your little 'slugger'.

I have what I believe is a baby roo about 2 weeks old and 75% of the time when I go to get him out of the brooder to interact with or give some outside time he will bite me. It don’t hurt now but It will one day if it continues. How do I let him know that it is not ok?

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