Aggressive rooster for sale

Why quarantine him if you weren’t keeping him? You already said that’s why you got him. Your “not caring” about him being stressed is not “respect” unless you are using a definition that is different from everyone else’s.

You’re right, I don’t withhold feed from my meat animals. Their comfort is worth a little bit of extra effort on my part, if I didn’t care about that I might as well buy chicken from the store.

My values are clearly different from yours.
I quarantined him because he still might have given something to my laying hens, a risk I was not willing to take. Why would I put him in with my girls, just to take him back out in a few days, risking my girls getting sick? And who says he was stressed? You are putting human emotions into an animal, he was perfectly content in his cage, in my garage, for the few days I had him until he was butchered. Yes, your values are clearly different than mine. I got this rooster to butcher, why would I treat him as a pet?
How else was I supposed to get the rooster home and then quarantine him? You do know the definition of quarantining, right? And to make you even more upset, I withheld food from him for the last 24 hours of his life. I wanted his crop and intenstines empty before butcher. And to be quite honest, I don't really care how stressful his end of life was. I butchered him with respect and he was delicious
Hey don't knock it intermittent fasting is the way to go... very healthyfor animals.
This is true I do it and have done I forever. Also no one is going to use a regular mean chicken for cockfighting. Comeon don't speak on something you know nothing about
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