Aggressive rooster for sale

My sweet chicken is now a growing rooster who’s became so aggressive, I love my chickens and all of them gets picked up and hug and rubs from me. But the past weeks ny blakc australorp rooster had been so aggressive, he chased my daughter once who fortunately ran so fast he didn’t catch her. He no longer likes me to pet him and he attacks me. I don’t have the heart to “broomstick” him or do something similar 😬. He attacked my very docile cochin roo, so we let him sleep outside their “condo” but inside the coop still.
I don’t know what to do..
My sweet chicken is now a growing rooster who’s became so aggressive, I love my chickens and all of them gets picked up and hug and rubs from me. But the past weeks ny blakc australorp rooster had been so aggressive, he chased my daughter once who fortunately ran so fast he didn’t catch her. He no longer likes me to pet him and he attacks me. I don’t have the heart to “broomstick” him or do something similar 😬. He attacked my very docile cochin roo, so we let him sleep outside their “condo” but inside the coop still.
I don’t know what to do..
If you don’t have the heart to put him down then find someone who does. You are risking him seriously hurting your daughter and a chicken isn’t worth that…
If you don’t have the heart to put him down then find someone who does. You are risking him seriously hurting your daughter and a chicken isn’t worth that…
Thanks for your response. My daughter no longer go out to the chicken run, she’s almost teenager 😅 and would not want to give him away also. We decided to ask someone to build a separate coop outside the main coop and make a medium chicken run so he doesn’t feel isolated. He’s only about 5 months old. Today he was different he was eating in my palm along with another roo (his batchmate from hatchery).

Do you know though if this is gonna get worse or there’s a chance he would revert to being sweet roo roo?
I have never tried to rehabilitate a bad cockerel, though there are people on here who have with mixed results.

I don’t think that having your cockerel by himself is humane for the long term, even if he can see the other chickens. Chickens are flock animals and need to have physical contact with others. There are people who keep bachelor flocks, but I think they work best if the boys can’t see the hens at all. Your plan might end up with him frustrated and more aggressive than he already is, unfortunately.
I have never tried to rehabilitate a bad cockerel, though there are people on here who have with mixed results.

I don’t think that having your cockerel by himself is humane for the long term, even if he can see the other chickens. Chickens are flock animals and need to have physical contact with others. There are people who keep bachelor flocks, but I think they work best if the boys can’t see the hens at all. Your plan might end up with him frustrated and more aggressive than he already is, unfortunately.
I really appreciate your response. it make sense..we’ll monitor for about a week and make a decision.

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