Ahgressive goose


Oct 10, 2020
Pretoria, South Africa
Our goose is very aggressive towards me. I do not think he was treated too well before we "inherited" him. With patience I got him better. He does not attack my husband only me.

New people moved in and unfortunately he doesn't like new people. Heattacked them and instead of just gently pushing him away they kicked and hit him. We did not see this they told us.

We have now moved him and the little one into an enclosed area. Of course now he is very bad and constantly attacks me, I do not know why me and not for instance my husband or the lady helping us in the house.

How do I calm him down, he also screams very much, way more than natural until his voice starts screeching. He really upsets the little one as well. There is nowhere else we can move them.

I am really upset with the people for hurting him, but what can I do now to get him back to normal. I have even wondered if there isn't some kind of sedative we can give him.
I want to add to this question. This goose is really very aggressive! He attacks me really badly, but not my husband. The advice in another thread to pick him up and then afterwards give a treat is impossible, I tried he bites my hands and face, my hands are actually bleeding. All I can think is that the woman hit him with her handbag (purse) as her father said she must because he did not do this before.

I really do not know what to do. He also does not seem to eat very well. It is breeding season in South Africa so I assume that plays a role but this is really very bad! I feel totally upset, I love him so much and do not know what to do, please I hope there is someone that can help. I attach a photo again so that you can see if you think he is eating enough, he weighs only 4.8 kilos about 10.56 Lbs. For an Embden that is really too light. I do not know if he is a cross breed and I gather he is very old already, but his owner could not really tell! No wonder we had to adopt him.

I attach photos so that you can see what het looks like. Thank you


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He seems small for an Embden gander but he does look full bred Embden. I have one that is 14 yrs old. Mine doesn't have the best personality either.
How long have you had him? Can you sit quietly with him without him attacking you?
What are you feeding him ? and What is the little one?
This information sure helped me with my gander.
Thank you, I will read that thread again. The little one is a goose and they seem to be mating. We feed them duck pellets and corn as that is all we can get here, then they eat grass as well, but there is not a lot of grass.

The little one is also supposed to be emden but she is too small. She is in a good condition, a little too fat maybe. She eats grass all day long.

I hope the gander will get better after the breeding season. I cannot believe these people turned my sweet bird into a monster
That's sad and they have such good memories they don't forget the abuse. But during breeding season my Embden gander is awful. You can't even walk close to him and his mate he is ready to bite and fight. I have to keep them in a different area from the other birds[chickens , ducks] because they are so hateful. Even this year my female wasn't so nice to the other birds. I was very relieved when breeding season was over in late June. They molted and now are much more mellow. Now I have till Janurary of 2022 before it starts again. I like to just sit with my flock with out moving alot so they see me as more than just their feeding machine. Maybe if you can just spend time sitting out with them without really interacting that would help. But that info I gave you is really spot on with ganders.
Thank you, this is good to hear. At the moment I cannot even sit with him quietly, I tried yesterday and almost paid with my life for it! In South Africa breeding season is until September so it is not too long we will just stick it out, but my friend says she will come and help me murder those people!:hmm Not serious, but still very cross.
I hope you told them not to even go around your geese from now on. People can be so cruel, and it's amazing how many people are afraid of geese so lashing out at them is just something they do to protect themselves. Don't want burglers? put geese in your yard. lol

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