Ahhhhh.... Surgery Friday, and I have to spend the night...... Ugh


Emu Hugger
16 Years
Mar 10, 2008
a bumpy dirt road in Florida
Ive never had to stay the night in a hospital before..... Was hoping it would be in and out in one day..... No such luck.

Having my thyroid removed, so nothing really major, but not looking forward to staying there. Can't they just stick a band aid over it and send me home.....
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Sorry you're having to deal with that. Bring your laptop or something to do while you're in the hospital - it'll keep your mind off the surgery and make the time pass more quickly.
Yup, bring your laptop. Most if not all hospitals have wi-fi.
I know how you feel. I work in a hospital and don't even like them.
I'm pretty sure they'll let you out saturday, try to keep focused on what you will do on saturday (or not do).

I'll be thinking of you, Jen. I'm sure all will go well

I know this is kind of weird, but I've sort of enjoyed my overnight hospital stays (as long as it's nothing life threatening or scary, of course! Knock on wood )...

I mean, think about it; all you have to do is lay in bed, watch TV, read, sleep, have people bring you breakfast/ lunch/ dinner in bed, no responsibilities, no obligations.....aaaaaaaaaahhhhh...

Try to enjoy it if at all possible!! Hope your surgery goes well and here's to a happy, speedy recovery!
My seven year old grandson had to stay overnight in the hospital, I went to visit him. He was laying on his back, head resting on his arms, looked up at me and said "Hi Mamom, I just love the room-service here". He thought it was great! I just want to say to you "Enjoy the room-service"! Take care and God bless you and your doctors, nurses, etc.

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