Airship Wars



Feb 11, 2017
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...Airship Wars...
The citizens were living normally, until out of GB's Lab came @caboodleschicks, riding an alligator, down the street, shortly followed by the lab exploding, and a huge airship flying from the wreckage above the city. GB's greatest creation yet, the Flying Machine, which dwarfed even the biggest buildings. He had searched wide for @caboodleschicks, where @WildRunningWing had attempted to thwart his plans. Lake then showed up to attempt to take down the ship, but failing due to its massive size, defenses, and arsenal. The giant chicken, summoned by @RoostersAreAwesome, landed atop the Flying Machine. GB sent an army of propeller rats to attack it, which were promptly eaten. The chicken escaped and then GB's airship was becoming slightly bruised by the Resistance. He sent more propeller rats, which were being cut down quickly, and he himself, GB, the Great Propeller Knight, struck down, using his propeller to launch himself forward, he sliced @RiverStorm's hand off and it grew back. They retreated to think up a new plan. Meanwhile, GB was demolishing the city, smelting it down, and building a giant coop and run where it stood. He placed the giant chicken in it, but it was promptly taken, but it lifted @caboodleschicks away.

The battle wages on, with the resistance growing along with TGP's battle force.

Existing Characters-
GB, or Propeller Knight

GB has been chasing down @caboodleschicks, the reason the war started.
We don't know why. He pondered once, and attempted to make peace with the coop and run, but the war raged on.

The reason this war started was because @caboodleschicks used logic to escape a cage.

Lake, @RoostersAreAwesome, @CP Chicken, and @WildRunningWing
The main members of the resistance, constantly trying to thwart GB's plans.

Recognize some of these guys so you know whether or not to knock down hundreds or be intimidated, just setting some boundaries.9


A kamikaze rat that explodes on contact. If killed before attack, it will explode where it was killed.


Propeller Rat-
A rat strapped to a propeller, which will swarm in masses, though weak.


Gold Knight-
GB's elite ground unit. Very difficult to beat, when one is knocked out, the one behind it moves forward to give you the illusion they are infinite.



GB's elite air unit. They can fly with a propeller on their back, and always maintain a tight formation.

Serve either GB's side or be part of the Resistance

Misc. Characters-
You can be a random made up character, or an already existing one, with whatever designated abilites. You can't do something crazy like knock the airship out of the sky/make a big damage in itor kill someone easily.

Be yourself! You have some cartoony abilities like making things appear instantly like building a bomb shelter and having a machine gun. However, don't go off of the edge as with misc. characters

Some characters I made that you can play as-
ONLY ONE OF EACH, so I'll cancel these later.

Specter Knight-
Summon/Command ghosts and fly. Don't go off the edge though.


King Knight-
Not a king, a king themed knight. Otherwise, make it your own. And once again, don't be absolutely insane. Keyword, absolutely.

Entry Form
User (if you aren't a user)-
Description or picture-

I don't need all the boring complicated stuff like other RPs this is fun!!!

Tag @RiverStorm
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Name- The Doctor
User (if you aren't a user)- @RiverStorm
Gender- male
Side: part of the Resistance
Rank: Deputy
Abilities- He is very powerful And he has a magic screwdriver
Description or picture- Brown hair light skin always has a green jacket and always a bow tie and his magic screwdriver

Name- Lake
Side: part of the Resistance
Rank: Leader
User (if you aren't a user)- @RiverStorm
Gender- Female
Abilities- has wings fangs claws can talk very powerful
Description or picture- Dog Brown shaggy curly fur Redish Brown eyes wings with brown feathers

I don't all the way get it, so tell me if I have this wrong.... I'm I already an existing character or do I need to fill out the form?

I love the part where I used logic! :lau

Name- The Doctor
User (if you aren't a user)- @RiverStorm
Gender- male
Side: part of the Resistance
Rank: Deputy
Abilities- He is very powerful And he has a magic screwdriver
Description or picture- Brown hair light skin always has a green jacket and always a bow tie and his magic screwdriver

Name- Lake
Side: part of the Resistance
Rank: Leader
User (if you aren't a user)- @RiverStorm
Gender- Female
Abilities- has wings fangs claws can talk very powerful
Description or picture- Dog Brown shaggy curly fur Redish Brown eyes
You both posted first, River got the first entry!

@caboodleschicks, you don't have to, but I reccomend it so that people aren't confused.

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