oh yeah. I've got cuckoo maran, empordanesa, polish, silkie, bantam cochin blacks and projects, silver spangled hamburg bantams, dark brahma, split coronation/light sussex, silver duckwing yokos, silver phoenix and a bunch of duck eggs in the bator right now.
member since YESTERDAY! almost done with new coop and run, have 3 buff orps (had 4...) new coop will house 8 or 10 easily. girls free range all day-spend lots of time in the front yard-thinking landscaping is NOT an option. ok, wife says it's time to quit playing and cook her some EGGS!
what part of the state are you from? Fairhope Here
I just set some mixed eggs from my layers, just for practice. This will be the first time I've tried incubating, so things probably won't go well.
Hello to all, I' ve got a white silkie roo that's getting to agressive, so I'm going to sell him and two hens if anyone is interested.I'm in Limestone Co.,north Ala.asking $25 for the three.PM me if you are interested, the hens are about 18 mths. old and I`m not sure about the roo,he was a gift from an in-law, now I see why,lol.
I just set some mixed eggs from my layers, just for practice. This will be the first time I've tried incubating, so things probably won't go well.

Not as hard as it seems. You'll do fine.

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