I just won three auctions on e-bay of coronations/ sussex splits. With the prise of these eggs i hope for atleast a 50% hatch. I'm a little worried about one seller who only has 4 hens, but is selling 15 at a time. They will most likely be 8 days old when i receive them. Jroberson, did you get your coronation/split eggs from e-bay?
I am in Ashville close by!!!

I'm actually in Buck's Valley-near Cool Springs
Adding myself to the Alabama list! I'm located in Montevallo. I have four adult mutt chickens (a roo and three lovely hens), plus two unsexed bantam chicks.
I don't know what the worse weather is you folks have but right now even your worst looks better than ours. Last nights new said Syracuse has gotten over 14 feet of snow and last night we got another 2 at least. Had to snowblow to get DW to work and she was late anyhow. Just uncovered her car (she took mine) and it's still not uncovered enough to move it. Had to snowblow to get to the chickens and then it was late. Just let them out into the runs with no breakfast but at least they have food and water in the coop. Thing is it will probably all melt by the end of the week if it goes into the 40's.

For those of you who don't know we were just in Millbrook and the area last week when it was 70*.

I am tired.

I have a trio of BLRW but they haven't started laying yet this season.. They are behind my other birds.. so no eggs or chicks yet.
I might have pullets later on, will have to wait and see what hatches!!!
my BLRW are behind my other birds starting as well. i have only been getting an egg here and there, several days apart so far, but of those eggs laid, fertility is good. i believe after the weather gets consistent again, they will be laying more regular.
Hey yall Our Swap at Susan Moore will start up again this Saturday! From 8 am til 12 pm Everyone welcome. At the Susan Moore Park Parking lot, North of Oneonta about 8 miles.


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