Been on line looking at real estate. anyone got anything in the 50,000 to 75,000 range. Just me and the wife so don't need a big place, but would like to be able to have chickens and be away from the city.
Hey Rancher, Bout to talk yourself into moving into Gods country? You would be welcome here.

Check Craigslist. I see small farms listed all the time on the Birmingham list under farm & garden.
Another option is Alabama farmers bulletin
My 3 buff orpingtons are each laying an egg a day-and they were fairly good at laying during the winter. The new coop will be completed today. They're actually in it right now-fed them their breakfast in it and closed the door. Leaving them in till it warms up before letting them range the day away. Tomorrow I plan on feeding them in there and keeping them up for a few days and HOPEFULLY they'll figure out the new nest boxes and the new roost which will be DRASTICALLY different than the tractor they've lived in since I got them back last July. Anyone have any ideas on making them comfy in their new home? Hopefully will find 3 wyandotte pullets-or maybe 3 more buff orps soon-have room for more ladies, but I think 6 will be more than enough for the wife and I.
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Giggles to herself, you just THINK six will be enough. That's what I thought too. I've got around 30 layers, just bought 18 bcm, have 3 orders in for buff orps, black aus., and welsummers.
And I have a practice batch of eggs in the incubator. I've candled them for the past four days, and FINALLY saw something I should see.
Bamachickenfarmer, do you have a run for them to get out into in case you don't want to let them free range? That would be nice for them, because eventually you will have a predator problem, like I've got right now. I lost one of my little red hens yesterday.
What area of Alabama are you interested in? There is also an online classified that has real estate listed in it. it's from around the clanton area I believe
What area of Alabama are you interested in? There is also an online classified that has real estate listed in it. it's from around the clanton area I believe

I'm scheduled to come BACK! Next month, booked and everything.
Be there on the 12th. Good Lord willing.

So, i've got places listed for all over the birmingham area.

Clanton, midway, and verbena and moody, and opelika, and Montgomery.

DW doesn't think I'm serious but I am.
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