to everyone in Alabama from Colorado.
Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers. There are many people across the state of Alabama that are suffering from loss of property, and from loss of loved ones. There are now 128 confirmed fatalities and the count will probably go higher.

We were very fortunate not to have any major damage. We lost one large oak tree in the back yard. It fell right between my barn and my greenhouse, but did not hit anything. One of my neighbors has a huge tree on her house and a lot of roof damage.

We have debris ( plywood, sheet rock, insulation, roofing, wallpaper, etc.) all over our yard. It was amazing to watch it rain straight down from very high up in the sky for about 20 minutes. This probably came from the storm that hit Tuscaloosa or the Centerville/Brent area, about 35 or 40 miles away.

Please keep the storm victims from Alabama, and all over the great USA in your thoughts and prayers
We too are very blessed by no damage. While some of it was very close, we personally lost no life or property.
There are however people that I work with who lost both home and family. One lost a leg. One lost both inlaws.
May I speak for all those who don't have power or internet access right now, and say that all of your prayers and well wishes are greatly appreciated and will be needed in the coming days.
The death toll will continue to rise as some of these communities are so destroyed that the rescue crews are just now ( 15 hours later) getting to them.
I am soo thankful that we all made it out safe. Seeing what has happened is devastating, God bless all of those who have lost.
Just found this post alittle while ago.I'm in north Alabama close to Athens.
I wanted to add my thanks for the thoughts and prayers for our state.We didn't have any damage here other than 6 and a half inches of rain.But Athens and Huntsville and many other areas are without power and will be for days.It is a terrible thing.I have been watching the news all day and they just said 194 lives were lost.We just walked down and checked the garden and I found 2 pictures that blew in from somewhere.That really made it hit home how bad it is.My youngest son just came in with more stuff,a canceled check from mississippi,a graduation announement from okolona(don't know where that is)This must mean these people lost their homes.I just don't know what to think.The kids told me this is a place on facebook to post found pictures,I'm gonna try that.Again,thanks for the thoughts and prayers.I keep forgetting today is my birthday.Happy birthday to me,huh.
I cannot imagine how terrifying the tornado must have been. If you go on Youtube and cut and paste (or type it in), there is scary footage of the storm.

4/27/11 - Tuscaloosa Tornado
We just got our phone/cable/internet back on, we had no damage other than a few limbs to pick up. It came very close to us, we have a storm shelter and we watched from there. One little town, Cordova, is non existing, it wiped the whole town out. Everyone please pray for all these folks who have lost everything. There will be lots of jobs lost, due to the amount of business' that were wiped out.

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