She started coughing this afternoon. Have not noticed anything in the others at all. She honestly sounds like someone trying to cough up mucus in their lungs.

She ate a bowl of food laced with cinnamon, oregano oil, chili flakes and two cloves of garlic. She actually picked the garlic out first and ate that first.

Not sure what to think... I wonder if she got some food in her windpipe or something, since it happened right after eating and she has not at all appeared sick.. ofcourse, birds are good at hiding sickness. She laid an egg in the pet carrier.. tried to peck me when I went to grab it, which is unusual for her. Guess I'd be a bit grumpy too if I was feeling bad.

If she passes or if she gets worse and I have to take her out of her misery, I will have to see about an autopsy, for the sake of the rest of the flock. Not sure how to go about that, we're not NPIP.. I may still give in and get Tylan.. I really don't want to start medicating my flock though, especially if it's not certain it's treatable with antibiotics, it seems like such a slippery slope.

How is your chicken today?
Tom, you can ship the bird to the state lab for necropsy for $10 (plus postage.) There is one in Hanceville and one in Auburn. I don't think you have to be NPIP to take advantage of that, but they prefer you send the bird while it is still alive. I had a mystery disease killing off my birds last summer, and I sent them a total of three birds. It is not a quick answer, but they are thorough.

I may just do that. I thought I heard some coughs and sneezes in the flock this morning, but ofcourse I am being paranoid too
Will check again in a minute, see if I am actually hearing things or not. It's sad it's one of my white rocks, they are my favorites.. but I am also realistic and know sometimes you have to sacrifice one bird to protect the rest. There are SO many respiratory diseases in birds, you can't just throw some antibiotics at it and hope for the best.

The only thing that makes me hesitant to give her up, is the fact she's eating, drinking, scratching around, alert, LAYING. From all I read she should be acting a whole lot sicker, considering her comb is dark red, almost purple when I get her excited... She's not at all hunched over looking or fluffed up. No mucus in her eyes or nose.

She strolled out of the carrier when I opened it this morning, looking around for food. Looking normal, aside from her darker comb. I didn't even hear her wheeze at the time, until later when she was back in the carrier.. heard a phlegmy cough.

How is your chicken today?

Alive, alert, eating, drinking, scratching and ticked off about being in a box.
Still a cough though.
I think she may have a slight fever, she feels a bit hot (hotter than your average chicken).. might be why she's panting a bit. I got her riled up (tried to wrap her in a towel) and her comb did not get purple, just dark red.. did not make her cough/gag/wheeze.. so I like to think she's doing better. Whatever it is, her system is fighting it (fever).

She ate two more cloves of garlic, some probiotic and pepper/cinnamon/oregano oil, whisked into an egg. Eating like a piggy

I hate to see anyone sick, bird or mammal. I am just extra cautious knowing we eat these eggs (and occasional bird)... I just don't like the idea of giving them all these medications/chemicals, if it's not targetted to knock something out specifically.

My mom passed from MRSA: antibiotic resistant stapph. I *know* what overmedicating does.. It makes me a bit more resistant to just willy nilly tossing stuff at "could be this" or "could be that". I know a lot of folks think I am silly and harming my birds.. it's just a really hard choice for me to medicate.

My son had to go to the doctor to get a vaccine that he wasn't able to get at a previous visit (he had a low grade fever, which is a no-no at that point). Ofcourse, he was a bit fussy that morning, and the nurse decided to check his temp to be safe. Ofcourse, he had a fever, AGAIN. I swear he has figured out how to avoid shots by getting convenient fevers
Anyway, he had a bit of a rash, which is nothing new.. he's really sensitive. Doc decides to run a test for Scarlet fever, just in case. Test is negative, but hey, let's send it to the lab just in case, since he just developed the fever. Ofcourse the lab finds strep, because EVERY LIVING PERSON CARRIES STREP.

Kid gets antibiotics prescribed anyway.

I keep telling my husband it's not Scarlet fever, just a little rash and some random fever, he's had a cold for over a week. I decide NOT to give him the medicine. He's fever free a day later and the rash is gone

My point? Folks overmedicate, big time. It is great that we have medicine when we need it, but it is so very important to KEEP these medicines for when they are needed.

Alright, done ranting. Just my two cents and all that.
I have some Sebrights that need a home.

1 silver laced rooster
1 gold laced hen
2 buff laced hens

I live in the Monroevile area
I'm between Bham and Tusc....wish I was closer, I'd take that gold laced hen. I have two silver laced roosters, one of em thinks he's six foot tall.....
ok you incubator gurus.....

need some help. I got a Farm Innovators circulated air/egg turner incubator a while back. I put 12 bantam eggs in it last month...NO crop failure
the temp varied some, not much and was right on 99-100 most of the time. Humidity varied, having trouble getting the mix right to keep humidity at 55%. A lot of the 12 eggs were collected in cold weather and were cold to the touch when I got them...maybe too cold for too long??? The eggs "felt" hot to my hand a couple of time I checked them, but TWO temp guages said 100 degrees at the time.

I have 10 silver sebright eggs on the way, in addition to gold laced sebright and old english bantam eggs of my own. I'd like a better than 0% hatch rate this time

ok you incubator gurus.....

need some help. I got a Farm Innovators circulated air/egg turner incubator a while back. I put 12 bantam eggs in it last month...NO crop failure
the temp varied some, not much and was right on 99-100 most of the time. Humidity varied, having trouble getting the mix right to keep humidity at 55%. A lot of the 12 eggs were collected in cold weather and were cold to the touch when I got them...maybe too cold for too long??? The eggs "felt" hot to my hand a couple of time I checked them, but TWO temp guages said 100 degrees at the time.

I have 10 silver sebright eggs on the way, in addition to gold laced sebright and old english bantam eggs of my own. I'd like a better than 0% hatch rate this time


Do you have an old fashioned glass thermometer in it? Sometimes the ones that come with it register wrong.
ok you incubator gurus.....

need some help. I got a Farm Innovators circulated air/egg turner incubator a while back. I put 12 bantam eggs in it last month...NO crop failure
the temp varied some, not much and was right on 99-100 most of the time. Humidity varied, having trouble getting the mix right to keep humidity at 55%. A lot of the 12 eggs were collected in cold weather and were cold to the touch when I got them...maybe too cold for too long??? The eggs "felt" hot to my hand a couple of time I checked them, but TWO temp guages said 100 degrees at the time.

I have 10 silver sebright eggs on the way, in addition to gold laced sebright and old english bantam eggs of my own. I'd like a better than 0% hatch rate this time

I'm very new to incubating too so I can only say from my personal experience which may be TOTALLY wrong but I made a CHEAP still air incubator and threw some quail egg in it.

The first time I incubated quail eggs I collected them in cold weather(when we had the snow). Out of 12 eggs 2 developed, 1 almost hatch. I think it was the cold that killed most of them. And I think part of it is because I collected them and put them directly into the heated incubator.

2nd batch I collected is semi cold and warm weather. I waited until they were room temp before I stuck them into the incubator. Temperature and humidity did flux. Highest reading was 106 lowest 95 but mostly around 99. Humidity range 34-50 and 55-75% at lockdown. Out of 16 only 6 hatch but 14 were still viable at day 16. One died because I accidentally cracked the egg when I drop the temp/hum sensor on it Oops!!! Most died unable to hatch from shell. I believe my error was not enough humidity at lock down. They start hatching when humidity was up to 75%. but it was too last for most of them.

I think the question is if your eggs was affected by the cold weather and didn't develop or at what stage did your chick died in incubation. By knowing that you might be able to figure out what went wrong.
I'm between Bham and Tusc....wish I was closer, I'd take that gold laced hen. I have two silver laced roosters, one of em thinks he's six foot tall.....

Got to love that Sebright attitude!!! I had a buff roo that was the boss of the all the other roosters (including a rir roo).

Well, if you decide you want them, they are free. I just want them to go to a good home
ok you incubator gurus.....

need some help. I got a Farm Innovators circulated air/egg turner incubator a while back. I put 12 bantam eggs in it last month...NO crop failure:he   the temp varied some, not much and was right on 99-100 most of the time. Humidity varied, having trouble getting the mix right to keep humidity at 55%. A lot of the 12 eggs were collected in cold weather and were cold to the touch when I got them...maybe too cold for too long???  The eggs "felt" hot to my hand a couple of time I checked them, but TWO temp guages said 100 degrees at the time.

I have 10 silver sebright eggs on the way, in addition to gold laced sebright and old english bantam eggs of my own. I'd like a better than 0% hatch rate this time:barnie


I'm thinking it was the eggs. How old were they when you put them in?

Also, I like to use at least 3 thermometers when measuring incubator temp

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