Well, we were supposed to leave today, but plans got changed. We managed to get a few more days to find a place for MIL and BIL, but now I have no idea when we're leaving. So, both a good and some not so great news. Though, I won't say bad news since we ARE going home. We may have a place for them to go, but we have to wait till this afternoon to find out about that one. Too many emails have gone unanswered so far from other places. I was extremely disappointed when I found out we weren't leaving today, but it's for the best and I can't be upset over the extension. We're still packing since no one has had the energy to pack for the past week. Wish us luck for this afternoon. Hopefully this one will be a go and we'll be leaving soon.
My hens are a year old the roo is about 3, I started with one hen i call her my matriarch she is now 4 and these hens are her first babies she was just never interested in sitting.(and she is not sitting this time either) so yes this is all new to me.but she had 21 eggs and hatched out 17,so its very different.and NO WAY do i mess with them i like my arms intact lol.They are free range so they eat whatever they want,I give them cracked corn and once or twice a week i scramble them all a few eggs.I also give them any left over vegetables we have. No i didn't add eggs , but they could have laid in each others nest. They seem to all have their own place they like but I didn't think about that. I will try to candle some later when hubby gets home ,I dare not try by myself to get the eggs.They are not leaving the nest the first one buried the left overs with straw, after a few days and i removed them when i cleaned.If I do try to save the remaining eggs, how long do I have to get them after she gets up?
Hi - I'm in Piney Grove (Bankhead National Forest area). Good to to meet everyone.

Welcome, Eric! This is a great site! Everyone is so informative and helpful! I love Bankhead National Forest, what a beautiful place! I've been to the area close to Haleyville before. There used to be an old camp there, that I helped with for a couple of years. There's this amazing cave where the Native Americans still do rituals to this day!
chicdaddy72,See if he will sale hatching eggs.If they are Amish blood they should be the real deal for sure.
As for my son.His name is the same as mine John Alan Anderson,just add the 2nd.Cursed him from birth.He's only been in Boaz since he married in Sept 2013.Lives close to the old Pilgrims Pride chicken plant.I worked nights there catching for 15 years.I know every chicken house east of the
Guys I have been searching and can not find the answer, maybe i didn't searched the right place but any way, My hens are hatching BUT each hen has hatched only a few eggs ,whats up with that?the first had 13 eggs and hatched only 6,the next had even more eggs and less chicks only 4
.I am still new at this and I don't know what to do! Is there anything I can do?I thought about moving the remaining eggs to the next hen,but that would throw her off, IF any hatch UUGGG ..

What is the average size for a clutch of eggs for a chicken? When I had finches I only allowed 8-9 eggs max in a clutch. Been told never to let them incubate more. But that is finches. Not sure if it applies to chickens since they do not have to feed their young once they are hatched.
What is the average size for a clutch of eggs for a chicken? When I had finches I only allowed 8-9 eggs max in a clutch. Been told never to let them incubate more. But that is finches. Not sure if it applies to chickens since they do not have to feed their young once they are hatched.

I used to have Zebra finches. They'd never lay more than 4-5... Mine only raised one clutch, after that one, they just kicked every egg out of the nest. Guess they didn't want to be parents

Chickens.. It depends on the size bird and where they're getting the eggs from. If they're all from the chicken herself, she'll usually stop at like 10-12 eggs, I'm sure she knows they'd get too old otherwise. Although I have heard as many as 19 eggs in a hidden nest! If it fits, it hatches... or something like that. I wouldn't waste too many eggs under a first timer, but some of the experienced broodies can hatch 20 eggs.

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