I don't keep any yet--was supposed to get a hive last year from someone who catches swarms but I got in too late..Am supposed to be on the list for this year though. I want some to help pollinate my garden, and because native swarms are disappearing.
This is an incredibly random question, but I'll give it a go. Does anyone keep bees along with their backyard flocks? I have ordered two hives and I'm just curious.
I have 18 hives within a few yards of my chicken houses. The hens free range and love to scratch around the hives. The bees don't seem to know they are there, at least they don't care.
Welcome from Perry Co., AL
This is an incredibly random question, but I'll give it a go. Does anyone keep bees along with their backyard flocks? I have ordered two hives and I'm just curious.
I'm planning on doing it this year. Not sure how we're going to get started, but we'll figure it out.

I finally did it and called about getting certified. Someone is coming out Monday to test everyone. On another note, my gestational diabetes test was inconclusive so I have to go to LabCorp Wednesday for a test that's going to take about 4 hours. I'm going to be incredibly bored. Here's hoping it was just an off day for me and I don't have diabetes.
Quote: I finally did it and called about getting certified. Someone is coming out Monday to test everyone. On another note, my gestational diabetes test was inconclusive so I have to go to LabCorp Wednesday for a test that's going to take about 4 hours. I'm going to be incredibly bored. Here's hoping it was just an off day for me and I don't have diabetes.
Don't sweat it, you don't, I just know it! Have fun while you wait!
I don't keep any yet--was supposed to get a hive last year from someone who catches swarms but I got in too late..Am supposed to be on the list for this year though. I want some to help pollinate my garden, and because native swarms are disappearing.
That's what we are doing it for also oldgoat! If anyone want's to PM me about it, that would be awesome. We might be able to learn a bit from each other since several of us are newbies to it. Also, I have 9 viable eggs out of 11 for my first coolerbator hatch! Woohoo! Day 10 is tomorrow and going to candle the 2 I'm not sure about again, just to be sure.
On of my new spring chicks is showing signs of cross beak.
I am SO conflicted. The marsh mellow in me says just to keep it and try to give it some sort of life. The practical side of me says it's quality of life will be deminished, so it should be put down. The cheating wimp in me is probably taking it back to the feed store where they will exchange it and probably just put it down themselves.
Does anyone on here raise goats and disbud, or know anyone who does?
I have never disbudded and I have kids on their way. I would really love to find someone to do it/show me how. :fl

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