Hackle feather are one of the first signs.
Sweet home Alabama, Jasper.

Have any of you ever attended the " Alabama Chicken and Egg Festival " in Moulton, Al ?
Is it worth attending?

Hello in Jasper from Parrish! My husband and I plan in attending the chicken and egg festival for the first time this year. We will just be going Saturday since we will have the 8 month old.
I will have plenty more. Just let me know when you have room.
I think I can manage some room in mine after my ducks hatch out huntinwidow! I can definitely take a few off your hands. Maybe not several dozen though. Chicken math and my family don't really get along for some reason...
Hackle feather are one of the first signs.

I can't stand my reds haha, they're mean. What better chicken to be the first for freezer camp? They say it gets easier after no. 1..

Mr. Jersey roo is sprouting red wattles now.. I hope he wont be too loud.. he's getting to be really good at rooster-y thing, like strutting. I'd like to keep him. It's hard to believe he's only 5 weeks old!

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