Where I have been is a long depressing story and because I had rather not be negative we will leave it at that. Thanks for asking.

My hatching has been not too good, however I have 10 jbg, 6pure rir,4 white lh and 4 cornishX. I also have a red sl on 13 eggs. Life is good. Lol
Now I'm corn fused. I called myself posting 30 minutes ago, come back and its nowhere to be found.
Wisher, your hatch is due tomorrow. I bought a new styrofoam bator and a tunner for this blessed event. I was also able to talk Mama into letting me hatch these in the house. I am expecting a good hatch. Our inside pooch has been very interested in the bator today. I'm thinking she hears something I can't.
Hi all! New to this site. I live in central alabama and happened upon this site by accident. Found some great info. Looking for auctions or chickens for sale in east central alabama. Anyone know of any? I am looking for silver laced Wyandotte, partridge rock and buffs. May consider other hearty brown eggers.
That's awesome! My husband is a gear cutter at Wilson machine. Are you guys going to the chicken and egg festival? We have an 8 month old so we won't be attending all weekend. But are planning on going Saturday!

Where and when is the festival?
Hi all! New to this site. I live in central alabama and happened upon this site by accident. Found some great info. Looking for auctions or chickens for sale in east central alabama. Anyone know of any? I am looking for silver laced Wyandotte, partridge rock and buffs. May consider other hearty brown eggers.
from Montgomery! I wish I could help, but those breed seem a little hard to find in our part of the state. You might be able to find them in the Bulletin Board, but even then you have to be careful because some people like to say they have something they don't. Here's hoping someone else can help you out. I raise Rhode Island Reds mostly.
Well there are auctions in eclectic and millerville/ Goodwater. I don't know if you would find those breeds though. They would probably be hatchery quality if you did, which is great if you are looking for a flock of layers since hatchery type birds tend to lay better.
Thanks for the info. I am considering ordering chicks from a hatchery but I am known for my impatience. I have raised chicks to layers before but I would like to get a few that are laying age already so I can get some eggs now. I would like to go to an auction just because I have never been before and I'd like to see the wide variety there.

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