Hey Dan2, you out there? Sent you a message.
Hi Huntinwidow, I am here. Find reply!
Why is it none of these chicken raisers don't go to bed with the chickens? And get up with the chickens?
Do I need vitamins? I already sleepy.
I'm in the Columbus, GA/Phenix City, Al/Auburn, AL area and always on the look out for good hatcheries and so forth. Any suggestions on where to buy from if I'm looking for silkies or polish or spitzhaubens? Also interested in good old fashion layers. I have a few places now that I get my chicks from but there's always a shortage of silkies to be had.
Holypolish love your icon. ;) there are quite a few silkies sneaking around the state. I buy moat of mine within about a 50 mile radius of Birmingham. I think it's all about your detective work and deciding what colors you want. I have gotten in the past, and am getting today baby silkies from another BYC user who lives about an hour from me. Your best bet is here or on the craigslist. All the people I know who raise silkies are like an uncomfortable 3+ hours I got my blacks from Falkville, my blues and soon to be whites from cullman, and my paints from Ashville AL. Let me know if you would like anyone's contact info. I'm just worried its a little far for you. :)
Haven't been on this thread in awhile, but I remember that some people wanted some blue black splash copper marans. Well I was looking threw the chilton county mule trader and I found some for sale 5-7 $ each.
Do u have the nimber by chance? I might be interested
I am about to build a new pen for my 9 week old chickens. I need the brooder they are in for newbies I am planning to get. :)

My question is, can the bottom of the pen be hardware cloth or will that harm their feet? It will be a raised pen about 3 1/2 to 4ft off the ground.

Thanks in advance for any info.
Hey y'all. Just wondering if anyone (or if you know of anyone) in Alabama takes in "special needs" chickens. There are some other states that have rescues for defective chickens; i.e. severe spraddle leg, curled toes, blindness and cross-beak. Best I can tell, Alabama doesn't. I have a cross-beak pullet (4-weeks-old) that I would really love to re-home. I really don't have time to care for her for the rest of her life, but I have gotten attached to her, so I can't put her down. Or well, would really rather not put her down. Not trying to make a problem chicken someone else's burden at all, but if someone happens to have a fondness or soft spot for needy chickens, I would love to find her a home with them.
Hi all! With planting season here, I am trying to get things in order on what/where to plant since this is our first season with chicks. I thought I would try posting here since you all might have suggestions due to climate. So, here goes...
-we made grazing frames for their run this morning so we can plant seed underneath it and they can either eat the tops through the frame or we can remove the frame and let them eat it all. What do suggest sowing underneath? I am thinking wheat and clover. The wheat for the grass and the clover to be uncovered. What about growing flax?
-when planting other things for them ouside the run such as peas, oats, etc., do you let the plant fully mature and go to seed or dry out before allowing them access or taking them cuttings, or do you let them graze over it, thus never letting it mature? We let them out of their run each day.
-I have tried to figure out the difference in nutritional value of grains/seeds vs letting the chicks eat on 3-5 inch growth vs not letting them eat until plant is fully mature. I can't seem to find anything that addresses this. Any suggestions?
Thanks so much!
Continuing my post above, I have the following seeds on hand: proso millet, wheat, oats, clover, sunflower, sourghum among others. For instance the proso grows up to 4 ft and then has seed heads but I have seen where it is good to plant in a run, which leads me to be unclear on where to plant and when to let chickens eat on it. Thanks again!

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