My momma passed away this morning..

I'm so sorry to hear this...
Was really wishing for good news.
Okay, I have a sick chicken! I have already had two die and I'm afraid I am going to lose more! I have never been one to like medicine, but something has to be done. Okay, symptoms: losing weight, sleeping during the day, standing still, just generally lethargic, runny poo. No visible mites. First hen dies two days after I Put her in with others. I got her, kept her separate for a few days, she seemed fine. put her with my others, she dies two days later. I am afraid she has infected others with whatever this is. Roo dies suddenly. He seemed a little droopy and slow one day, dead the next morn. Maybe had lost a little weight. He died two weeks after the first hen. Now I have another hen, stands around, sleeps, droopy tail. Lost weight.

Any suggestions? I have no idea how to tell which medicine to use for what. I don't feel confident in diagnosing so I am coming to you, the experts. Or at least the most experienced!

My dad stopped at the local feed store and told them the situation. They sold him powdered Duramycin 10 to mix with water. However, it states on the back of the package (In fine print of course) not to use in poultry that produces eggs for human consumption. This was a huge red flag for me!

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Okay, I have a sick chicken! I have already had two die and I'm afraid I am going to lose more! I have never been one to like medicine, but something has to be done. Okay, symptoms: losing weight, sleeping during the day, standing still, just generally lethargic, runny poo. No visible mites. First hen dies two days after I Put her in with others. I got her, kept her separate for a few days, she seemed fine. put her with my others, she dies two days later. I am afraid she has infected others with whatever this is. Roo dies suddenly. He seemed a little droopy and slow one day, dead the next morn. Maybe had lost a little weight. He died two weeks after the first hen. Now I have another hen, stands around, sleeps, droopy tail. Lost weight.

Any suggestions? I have no idea how to tell which medicine to use for what. I don't feel confident in diagnosing so I am coming to you, the experts. Or at least the most experienced!

My dad stopped at the local feed store and told them the situation. They sold him powdered Duramycin 10 to mix with water. However, it states on the back of the package (In fine print of course) not to use in poultry that produces eggs for human consumption. This was a huge red flag for me!

Any help is greatly appreciated!
If you put a new hen in with your flock before 14 days quarantine she may have had something bad! You might want to take a stool sample into a vet to see what it is they have to make sure you get the right med. Or take one of the dead chickens to the state to do a free test to see what it is they have. I would not just start treating with meds, you may loose to many while putting it off. Or spreading it further? I am so sorry for your losses!
Thanks all. We're ok... trying to let it sink in. Cried a bunch ofcourse, will probably cry some more at silly memories. We laughed too.. thinking about the crazy things she did. My mom was crazy.. like, certified been to the looney bin before crazy... and she kept you on your toes. And she was the most giving, caring person you'd ever met.

Certainly a unique woman!

But, I feel a huge drive now to get healthier, to take care of her grandbabies.. and the garden and the chickens. She LOVED those chickens. And she worked her butt off in that garden everytime she was visiting. She was really happy I had made a life for myself here. That I found my happiness.

We really saw eye to eye for those three weeks, which is a darn miracle in itself. My mother-in-laws death had us talking about our final wishes.. about life.. about a lot of things. We were at peace with eachother and I am really grateful for that.

I am also very grateful that the local store took back all the packs of cigarettes she had bought to take back with her. They said 'give them to someone who smokes' and I was like 'My mom passed away from complications with her COPD.. I will not give cigarettes to anyone, ever' and they handed me a refund.

Please folks. If you smoke... try and quit. It's not worth the agony.

My fiance's parents both passed from heart and lung related issues.. same for his grandparents... my mom.. It's not worth it! Besides, every pack of cigarettes buys you another chick instead

Now, on to happier things! Any word from Raz? It's baby season! My brother's girlfriend is expecting in 4 weeks. My step-son is expecting a baby brother at any time (they're in Brookwood as we speak, but they managed to stop things.. kiddo is only 30 weeks. But, his momma STILL smokes

Gimme some good news!

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